Today i finished my last exam for this semester! Wow thats a good feeling! i haven't been to an oral exam in years so i was sort of a nervous wreck :) Pretty random photos to celebrate my new found freedom -gotta take my camera out for a spin tomorrow. (The plate was a christmas gift for Elinor from her grandmother -and the last picture is there to remind everyone that im still taking suggestions on what to make of the lovely totem flannel fabric!)
▶ everyone: thanks for the great suggestions -hoped someone would have said "a pretty dress for your self" or something :) a teepee is a great idea but we have zero room for it -so matching pajamas are still leading -and maybe a blanket even though we have like a thousand!
Congratulations! Always a relief to finish an exam. Hope is goes well and that you enjoy the time off :-)
Det er en fantastisk følelse at være ovre en eksamen, tillykke:) jeg kan ikke huske om i har puder at sidde på på bænken, ellers kunne det flotte stof være til det:) Hils de andre søde 3.
congratulations on finishing your exams. what a nice feeling you must have : ) enjoy and happy making!
a flannel shirt dress would be so comfortable! i vote for a dress for you and elinor hehe
Det skulle va fint att spänna upp det mörkare tyget som tavla!
Congrats! What about drawstring backpacks? With the leftovers from your dress, obviously :)
How about pants like this
or leggings:)
And duvet cover and pillow case for your baby:))
sejt (med hurra på) og tusind tillykke. må være en befriende følelse? med mumikærlighed på en tirsdag + en veloverstået eksamen? det bli'r ikke meget skønnere, vil jeg mene.
Hvor skønt for dig!
Ville ønske jeg havde en genial ide til det fantastiske stof, men må dog indrømme at jeg synes, sådan lidt i smug, at det førnœvnte matchende nattøj kunne vœre ret cool ;-)
congratulations!!! wooo hoo!
like the poster on your wall!
& moomins!
as for the fabric...maybe a patchwork quilt/blanket?
or a skirt - i always like skirts : )
I finished my works few days ago too ( you can see on my blog:>) and it feels so amazingly good to wake up in the morning and to not have a huge to do list:)
Congratulations!! I have my exams in February and I'm already pretty nervous...
fantastisk af være færdig med eksamen, jeg har 3 måneder tilbage endnu, bare tanken..!!! puuh.
Men wow et heldigt fund du har gjort dig der, det er da vildt fedt det stof, er da kun lidt misundelig ;) og sikke muligheder, men hvilke :)
sengetøj til junior, måske oplagt, puder,patchwork projekter,sækkepude uhh med muligheder der er.
måske en give away?!?!
Kh sara
I think duvet and pillows for your daughter. Congrats !
I think you could definitely use some of each to make a double-sided (*reversible*) snood or cowl scarf that you can double around your neck or wear as a little hood with either pattern outside. It would be so cosy and pretty and a bit different from a knit and be so cheerful too! I looked for an example of what I was thinking and found this:
I love beautiful practical things! Maybe your whole family can have versions of matching neck / head gear :)
i definitely agree that this should be used to make matching family gear.
Beautiful blog!
Jeg er nødt til at spørge, hvem der har lavet billedet på væggen? Det med hjertet. Det er jo superfint..
Oh! Madvillainy!
Great record.
Love Signe
And Doom as well! Halleluja!
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