when i was at my parents place i made a real scoop in a local second hand shop! Two rolls of soft, flannel fabric with the coolest patterns! i love the colors and the totems! only question is what to do with it?? need more ideas than the obvious: matching pajamas for the whole family
▶ Viju: ha ha - yeah wouldn't that be the weirdest thing if you colored your baby's hair? its all natural
▶ Aldrin: im glad!
▶ Lina: Her shirt says Barbapapa -its a french cartoon from the 70ies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbapapa) that are quite popular with kids -and if you shop at H&M your kid will definitely get to know them.
▶ Irene + Nurks: jep!
▶ Angie: not at all - happy 2011 to you too!
Wow, real treasures !
hmmm.. maybe some cushion with funny forms?
they are really amusing!
have a nice week :)
Hygge bukser helt klart!! Til jer alle fire... Eller måske en top til Rufus... Han må da fryse i det her vejr :-)
these fabrics are so pretty!
Hi, it would be cool to make a dress for yourself out of some of it. Then you would look fab but be secretly very comfortable. The pillow idea is good too, maybe triangle pillows?
what about a little teepee for elinor?
hmmm, pajamas maybe
or a skirt for yourself and very baggy pants for Elinor? Or pajamas ;)
What great fabric- I wonder if it's old...
I was going to suggest a whole bedset for Elinor (pillow cover, sheet, and comforter cover), but I like that little teepee idea even better.
cool! your pyjamas idea sounds great and why not make a stuffed blanket of the brown fabric or a foot-pouf for elinor. I'm sure you'll make the best out of it in the end:)
no. there are nothing left to do with out making family pyjamases. this fabric was born to be family pyjamases. :D
and well... matching pyjamas bags. and one for rufus. coooool!!!
TEE PEE, that would be perfect.
ARJH! Hvor er jeg bare misundelig :-D
Hvor ER det bare flot, cool, fedt...
Idé: Sådan et monster her:
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