So! Today this blog turns 3 years old!!
A lot has happened in those three years (marriage, elinor and what not) -what i find the most remarkable is that I have gone from taking almost no photos at all with a very crummy camera three years ago to having high resolution documentation of every moment of my life! what a gift! I now have over 23.000 photos saved on flickr!
And you guys! over 400.000 visits from 133 countries this year alone! Don't even know how many comments! Its fantastic!
So thank you! For being such an inspiring community! And if you leave a comment here before next monday (the 17th of january in the evening) you might just be the winner of a little thank-you-gift :)
Congratulations on your wonderful 3 years lovely Mette!
Your blog is my absolute favourite and I think you know that already :)
Love Love
and i guess that's pretty cool, that's pretty cool
Hurra for deg! Nice photo balloon :) Here's to another 3 (or 4, 5, 8, 10...) years of ungtblod!
Although I'm a new follower, I have been enjoying your blog immensely! Happy 3rd birthday! xx
happy birthday!!
i'm in love with your blog! it's wonderful!
a lot of inspiration!!
lots of love from the netherlands!!
Congratulations!!!! + a big kiss from Greece!!!
Congratulations! I'm a silent reader but It's been fun to follow your blog :)
I think you gives a little bit of inspiration every day, so thank you! and happy blog-birthday!
Happy birthday, one of the nicest blogs!
Coolio! Congratulations!!
TILLYKKE! 23.000 billeder - det er jo mere end 20 billeder om dagen i tre år! Det er jo fuldstændig vildt.
Tillykke med fødselsdagen. Virtuel fødselsdagskage herfra:)
Tillykke med din fine blog. Tre år, det' sejt.
Mange hilsner fra en underholdt læser.
Kæmpe tillykke med bloggen. Og tak fordi du er en del af blog-verden :)
Hip Hip HuRRRa og Tillykke fra Odense. Og jeg håber du bliver ved, du er stadig en meget dejlig overspringshandling.
Here's to 3 wonderful years and to many more!
Happy birthday, and thank you for a very inspiring blog with many many beautiful photos!
TILLYKKE!! Og mange tak for at du deler dine dejlige billeder med os. Den blog er noget helt særligt og begejstrer mig igen og igen. Glæder mig til de næste 3 år.
Mange klem
happy blogday! how exciting - i love your blog and it's really nice to see glimpses of your colorful life!
have a great day and a good new year. many greetings from vienna.
Hipp Hipp Hurrraaaaaah!
Congratulations! I love your blog! I always reading it!
aloha from moscow!
О, congratulations! 3 years - considerable date!
warmest regards and best wishes from Ekaterinburg, Russia :)
all the best and happy day from germany!
happy 3rd year! And many many more to come!
tusind trillioner tillykke. hvor er du bare blevet topdygtig til de billeder på kort tid.
Tillykke med de 3 år - jeg er ellers ikke den store blogger eller bloglæser, men din blog kan jeg aldrig holde mig væk fra! Tak for de søde, gode, sjove, inspirerende og lækre tusindvis af billeder...
wow!!! congratulations mette! blogging is really a brilliant way to document your life : )
Tillykke med fødselsdagen!
Elsker din blog - super inspirerende!
Tillykke med fødselsdagen!! :)
Er så glad for at jeg fandt din blog for omkring et år siden :)
Happy Birthday! Tillykke! Grattis! Och tack för att jag får följa med i ditt liv! Jippi!
Congrats! Love your blog!
<3 Ninna
Happy 3 yrs Mette! So fun to follow your color, triangles and fun filled blog!
your blogg makes it fun to be alive!
Thank you - well deserved!
This is not about the gift :) Congratulations! 3 is such an important age. You can now walk, talk, argue and make people both happy and crazy :) I wish you all the best next in running, flying and inspiring us even further.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday!!:>
You're my favorite blog!!!
Jamen, selv kæmpe stort tak! For inspiration og latter og nydelse.
Orv, 3 år? Mange gange tillykke med det. Du har fuldt fortjent hvert et besøg, jeg elsker din blog. Og tak for tip (begge to). :-) Sandra
I think UngtBlod is one of the coolest and most inspiring blogs around. I am glad that it has been already 3 years of it and I hope it is just a beginning. All the best to you and to your family for 2011!
Happy blog'birthday ! Joyeux blog'anniversaire !
I know your blog for about almost 2 years and love it ! Thanks for all the pics you give us !
and happy birthday !
hurra for en virkelig fantastisk og inspirerende blog!
Joyeux anniversaire! Tillykke med din blog, I'm normally not a blog addict, except for yours :-) Colorful and joyful, and also very inspiring on many levels :-)
ihh tre år, det er dælme sejt at blogge så længe. Håber inderligt, du fortsætter i samme behagelige stil som hidtil.
Knus Katrine
Takk for en fin blogg med masse inspirasjon. Du tar kjempefine bilder!
Happy Birthday :) I love your blog, i've been following you for over a year now and it's one of my favourites! Keep on with good and creative work :)
congrats mette! we love your pictures of life. it's an addict to visit your blog! :) kadhy and marco
Congratulations again :-) Love your blog!
I've been following you since you were celebrating the 2 year aniversary of your blog :)
I've never commented but I come here almost everyday! I love your photos and the way you live there, your house, your family, your dog... I'm from Portugal and I'm thinking about living abroad when I finish my studies and northern europe might be an option!
Once again, I love your blog!
How cool! Happy birthday to the blog! :)
It's been so much fun "watching" Elinor grow up!
Congratulations! Love from the Netherlands.
Stort tillykke med de 3 år :)
elsker at følge med i din inspirerende blog
Tillykke! Jeg er helt ny, begyndte først at følge med en gang i december, men jeg nyder det flotte (og anderledes) layout, billeder og dagligdags finurligheder. Tak for det, og jeg glæder mig til at følge jer de næste 3 år.
happy birthday ungtblod! :)
Din blogg är extremt inspirerande och unik. Grattis på födelsedagen!!
happy birthday, i'm glad you're here :)
Mette, a super-triple-star-shaped-hat-trick-rainbow-smiley-and-of-course-TRIANGULAR happy birthday to ungtblod!
dear mette! thank you so much for your wonderful blog, wonderful pictures and funny stories from your life! congratulations!
Love from Spain.
Congratulations dear Mette, I follow you blog a couple of years and it is sooo inspiring to follow you in your graphical an lovely world. :)
time goes too fast! we won already last year, so we shouldnt win now! but had to comment here cause we still love your blog!!
Congrats...og tak for en dejlig blog!
happy birthday, mette & ungt blod!
Congratulations!!! Already three years?? Hope there will be at least three more to come. You have such a lovely blog, keep up the good work!
Congratulations!!! It's amazing to document your life.. so now Elinor can see what was going on the time before she arrived :)
And it's so inspiring to see that other persons get to keep in the bloging! Maybe some day I will do mine too.. :)
So, like we say in spanish, felicidades chiquilla! (for the 3 years, the marriage, the lovely baby and everything else)
Tillykke med de 3 år! Og sikke en skøøn blog den stadig er efter 3 år!
Bravo pour ton blog, et elinor est trop chou!
Happy Birthday!
I wouldn't mind you posting even more of those 23.000 photos, photos of your colorful home always make me happy!
Seems like a blog makes sense to motivate for taking pictures,I really often regret not to have pictures of such everyday events to which you usually don`t have a camera with you, like nice walks or when you`re meeting your friends for coffee.
Congrats! You've a big fan in Aarhus. Hope that I'm lucky to win the gift.
i can't believe 3 years have already passed.never quit miss Mette :)!
I did not miss any of your post.
Yey Mette!
Thank YOU for making this most awesome blog.
You've given me so many smiles!
Keep being ace :)
Yay and hooray for 3 years! I discovered your blog maybe half a year ago and love it so much!
Lately I've been thinking that I should try to take more photos of everyday...otherwise life just goes by too fast and you forget what it looked like! :)
i just discovered your blog and it is beautiful! congratulations!
Woo hoo! Congratulations!
I've only just recently discovered your blog, it's lovely :)
Congrats, I love your blog! x
congrats on 3 years!!! thats amazing =) its always a delight to see your beautiful pictures and your cute little redhead girl =)
I've been following your blog for a while now. Love your stories, especially the kitchen stories.
Din blog er fortsat en daglig inspirationskilde, så fortsæt endelig med det.
Stort tillykke med 'fødselsdagen' og den virkelig lækre blog :-)
hurrah for 3 years!
Your blog is just a delicious sprinkle covered cake!
Grattis Ungtblod-bloggen & Mette!
Årh, hvor er det flot med tre år! Jeg har fulgt med i et års tid. Hurra for dig og din lille familie. Jeg er gravid og suger til mig af især alle Elinors fine ting. Stort tillykke.
Your blog makes me smile and feeling happy every time I admire photos you've made, read words you wanted to share. I simply love it. And yes, it's not fawning :)
And thank you, for all the bright colours and triangular patterns! Keep going strong.
yay-hay!! happy blogaversary! :D
congratulations! and greetings from berlin. julia
yay, happy blog-birthday dear mette!
Happy blog birthday!!!
Tillykke! Jeg finder altid god inspiration på din blog, tak for det!
Mvh Marie
congrats! I really like your photos and I always check your blog!
Sagde du gave?!
Ej, spørg til side, indlæg fra dig er altid baconen i min blog reader... Altså, dem jeg glæder mig særligt til:O)
ELSKER DIN BLOG! Don't ever stop..
Stort tillykke :)
No, thank you! It is such a pleasure to follow this charming, inspiring and fun blog!
i like that you mentioned what the blog has done for you in terms of photo taking and community building. thanks for sharing.
Congrats! :)
Congrats! I just adore your home, pictures, everything! Keep going!
Happy blog birthday! Your blog is one of my very favorites, if not the favorite!
TELØK'! ;)
Og tak for 3 år med über god inspiration!
Happy birthday Ungt blod!
one of my favourite blogs! seeing your colourful pictures makes me happy everytime i come here.:)
Grattis ungt blod! :)
Grattis! önskar mira dot haataja at helsinki dot fi
Kære Mette
Tillykke med de 3 blog-år!
Min blog har ligget stille længe - jeg har også fået en lille datter i mellemtiden og kan ikke rigtig finde bloggertiden - men jeg har nu fulgt med hos dig lige siden.
Tak for hygge og inspiration!
Og sikke en fin ballon :o)
De bedste hilsner fra Anne
Thank you for a wonderful blog. I find so much inspiration from you and my weekday shirt with tassles are one of my favourite pieces (I picked it up on sale after seeing you wearing the one just like it)!
Again thanks!
Tillykke :)
Congratulations! I hope it would last for a long time, thanks and keep posting!
Congratulations! I love reading your blog..keep it up!! :-)
Yay! Those news are good news! Congratulations dear Mette!
hov, blev lige et øjeblik hende der, der læser uden at kommentere! Tillykke til dig og din fantastiske blog!
Congratulations on the three years! I very much enjoy visiting here :)
congrats!!! ungtblod is one of my favourite blogs! keep it up! cheers from germany
Hurrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa og stort tillykke, syntes din blog er helt fantastisk, du er sej:) Dejlig weekend og god "fødselsdag":)
it'a always fun to see your photos! gigi
GRATTIS METTE! that's fantastic!;) thank you for blogging and being inspiring. kram!
Congrats Mette! Keep it up, you and your family are such a source of inspiration!
Congratulations!I love your blog:)Ania from Poland :)
congratulations mette!
love from argentina!
Your blog must be one of the most inspiring blogs I know. It's cheesy comment, but so true. Keep it up!
Love from Holland!
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations on three years of top notch photos, you have the most visually satisfying blog ever! I like to come and just stare at all the lovely colours and compositions! Look forward to another year of it all :)
your blog is a little ray of sunshine for me. thank you!
You give me inspiration! I heart your blog... all the way from new zealand... blog on!
wow 125 comments and i was lucky number one! weeee! xoxo
love your blog !! Happy 3 !
Congratulations Mette!!
How lovely to have this online history to share with us -including 2 of the most important milestones in life!!
I love these glimpses into your life, with sweet Elinor & beautiful Rufus :)))
(We now have little Lottie in our lives, a sweet Fawn Whippet - she would be in love with handsome Rufus!!)
Here's to many more years of blogging Xx
Congratulations! This blog always makes me smile.
Phew... Man skulle ikke tro, at du har lavet andet end at oploade billeder. hæhæ. Tillykke! Det er flot.
Nanna Lakridsstang
happy birthday Ungtblod!
greetings from Belgium
congrats on three years of blogging! I always enjoy your posts and your photos!
Congrats Blog! You rock!
Tack ska DU ha! För alla roliga och fina inlägg vi får.
PS. Och tack för kommentaren häromdagen. Förvånande och roligt att du sett min blogg. :) Jag är ju ett fan!
I Just love your blog, it always make me smile! Hi from Finland.
happy 3 mette! it's always fun to come here and get a dose of colour :0)
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