i have a problem. you know one of those "the first step is to admit you have a problem"-problems. I subscribe to an obscene amount of blogs! 7 1 3 to be exact! "Luckily" a good part of them has probably gone extinct since i subscribed, but it still amounts to an overload of posts! Part of my problem is that i never unsubscribe to a blog. Instead, if i find myself not enjoying a blog any more, i will simply move it to a certain folder in my reader and leave it there for a rainy day. You know, one of those days where you suddenly have no idea to do with your time and you have all ready read the other more (many many more) than 6 0 0 0 posts im behind.. (google reader stops counting once a folder has more than 1000 posts...). i will have to do something - soon - or at least before the last of my free time disappears into baby-world... but there is so much good stuff out there... help...
▶ d.: Thank you so much -it is sort of scary..
▶ Leen: Thank you -im exicting to see my world change.
▶ nilleren: så du har gennemskuet, at du er en af de eneste jeg rent faktisk ville kunne bage en kage til....?
▶ Kim: a baby elephant would be cool -especially if it was human-baby sized :)
▶ BB: We hope rufus will be okay with someone else grabbing the attention!
▶ Asphalt and air: Thank you thank you!
▶ Maria: oh thank you so much! i hope some things will get easier in the next months. When i was the most tired a couple of weeks ago i almost could not pick up the camera! but i won't be able to stay away
▶ Louise and Sandra: Thank you so much both of you!