a while back Katrine wrote about a baker in our neighbourhood. Lea and d and i were dying to find out which baker it was since its really hard to find a good (not crazy expensive) one around here. Turns out it was Eriks bakery and they just won cake of the year with this little treat. Thanks for the tip, Katrine! the headache is sort of gone and the weather is still beautiful! D thought i sound almost suicidal in my last post so i just wanted to say that it is all good.
▶ em: i always end up feeling bad if i haven't updated here. maybe thats a bad sign. i should take some more breaks and learn to deal with it :) glad påsk! håber vejret er godt hos dig!
▶ Sarah: Når man har købt 20 kiwier må man prøve forskellige serveringsmetoder! jeg har også gjort en del i den klassiske halve kiwi spist med ske
▶ Brit: It depends on what fruit i use. if i use berries i will often add yogurt natural. If i use maybe mango or kiwi or pineapple i will probably use orange juice instead of yogurt. and a little apple juice and fresh ginger is always a good trick!
▶ BB: you do know that one of them is a cup of coffee right? :) green is not my favourite smoothie color either.
▶ B: Nyd påsken, din bog og smoothie! det lyder ret godt!
▶ Epe: thank you!
▶ Lisen: Luckily i had all ready taken a long nice walk in the sun with d and the dog before the headache came! nyd solen!
▶ Katrine: Det er først lige gået op for mig at jeg kommer af med min dårlige samvittighed i rigtig lang tid til juni! fantastisk. det med billederne er lidt kompliceret -jeg sender dig en mail!
▶ Hanna: Åhh nej, hope you feel better! no more headaches!! glad påsk, Hanna!
What a sublime cake! I'll make a note for when I'm next in Copenhagen, though that isn't likely to be soon... There's no tradition of Easter eggs? And the Easter bunny? BB
yum yum yum! ^-^
glædelig påske!
hey, don't feel bad for not updating. we love this blog anyhow ! :)
what a perfect baker-story. looks delicious and like something you don't eat every single day. lyx! :D
mmmmm, yummy! It's nice to hear that you feel better!
uh i har været derhenne! jeg har endnu ikke fået besøgt eriks bageri..måske imorgen ville være den perfekte dag at hente brød der. var kagen god?
oh that cake looks super! i do a homemade one right now for my babys first birthday:)
Mmm! That cake looks gooood...! What did it taste like? :)
Good that you feel better, I had a horrible headache too on Saturday because of a little too much wine on Friday..
The kiwi smoothie looks so good too, I haven't made a smoothie since last summer, so it's time for it soon again:)
Happy Monday!
jeez i want one of those!
åårh det ser lækkert ud!
/Mi Confesión
looks damn good!
please, i want one!!!
i'd had a headache for the last three days, but it's gone now. they always go away, don't they? ;-)
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