w o w. you guys are so amazing! i don't know what else to say, other than thank you thank you thank you for all your sweet comments! you are the best readers in the world! it has been such a joy to read all your comments ticking in through the last 24 hours! I wish i could bake you all a cake :)
▶ Everyone: THANK YOU!
▶ Christine: Oh thank you so much for commenting! and visiting :)
▶ Mario: Thank you! so cool to hear from new readers!
▶ Lynn&Horst, Hanna, Emma, Fenke, : Yes, it is a beauty isn't it? who knew M + D = Elephant?
▶ Famapa: He actually has a pet-elephant, so he is quite used to it! though he has chewed out its eyes, so maybe there will be trouble...
▶ K: Congratulations on becoming an aunt! i LOVE being an aunt, though my nephew lives too fare away!
▶ Katrine: Ha ha -så godt set!! og ja, nu er den opgave bare 15 sider der skal skrives :)
▶ Mieke Willems: oh, you don't like our elephant-baby?? :)
▶ Søster: Wuut wuut! jeg prøver at forestille mig dig og emil sige wuut wuut!
▶ When Skies are grey: Im so looking forward to the "calm" second trimester!! hope it will start soon........
▶ Cindy: Jamen Cindy! hvordan kunne du gætte det?? helt utroligt! Jeg skriver opgave til universitetet men så snart der er mere tid skal D og jeg på vår-tur til malmö!
Yes - congratulations indeed! Now you'll be a family of 4 and Rufus will I'm sure make a great friend for the baby, not to mention you a fab mum. And then you'll have a new and ever-willing subject for pics! xoxo BB
oh you're so sweet! I'm so looking forward to follow your pregnancy through the blog;) I understand that you wont post as much as before but hope at least a little!
You two will make such cool parents!!
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