finally, i can tell you all the secret i literally have been carrying around for three months! yes, if all goes as planned, our little family of three will be a baby bigger by the end of october!
it is so exiting and we are so happy.
but boy, does being pregnant take up a lot of your time and energy! things have already changed a little here on the blog - more unplanned breaks - like when i suddenly fall asleep in the afternoon and sleep through till the next morning -and things will probably keep changing! i don't know if i can keep up my old steady schedule and im not sure if i can keep up all the replies either! though i will do my best! because i love posting, love hearing from you and love giving you all a little reply back. we will just have to wait and see!
▶ Hanna: How crazy! i have never had a word like that!
▶ Emma: :) yeah its a good colour-combo!
▶ Katrine: Åhr tillykke og held og lykke med trykningen! som du måske kan forestille dig er det en lille smule hårdt at arbejde og skulle skrive opgave samtidig med at være gravid :) så min bachelor går nok ikke helt så godt som man kunne ønske sig. Men hvad. Man må bare acceptere at ens prioriteringer ændre sig
▶ Maria: I just asked D: so, are we going back to bottega to night?? i so wanted more of their food!! but we cannot afford eating out that much, so i will just drool over the photos!
▶ B: Ja, han stikker altid sin snude i alting!
▶ BB: Rufus had alot of brothers and sisters -but they were all gone when we found him :) he was the last of his litter because he was a little shy! I tell you, Whippets are such a good breed! i highly recommend it!
wow! oh how exciting!! i am so happy for you:] congratulations hun!
TILLYKKE TILLYKKE! Hvor er det fantastisk! Hvor bliver det dejligt at gå sommeren i møde med en lille mave.
Hi Mette,
Congratulations! This is a good opportunity to say how much I enjoy your blog, I've been reading it for a long time now but never actually left a comment. Your images always brighten my day. I wish you all the best! Christine
I've been reading your blog for a while and this is great news! Congratulations!
oh you are getting an elephant baby
grattis grattis grattis! that's wonderful. i bet it will be a happy little kid with such playful parents. wish you all the best!
wooohooo!!! congrats you two! but how will rufus cope with an elephant in the house? ;0)
Congratulations! How exciting! : )
:D congratulations!!
(the baby does not look like you at all... hehe)
Oh darling what great news! How exciting.
I just became an Aunty again this past Saturday!
Wow congratulations!!!!
Sikke en dejlig nyhed, stort tillykke! Sjovt nok strejfede tanken mig igår, da du skrev, at I havde en lille "fejring" på Bottega. Bl.a. fordi D drak øl og du vand. Men det kan jo være, det ville være sådan uanset hvad. :) I hvert fald er det alletiders gode nyhed. Og stress ikke over bloggen, vi nyder dine indlæg uanset hvor ofte de kommer. Fantastiske foster fotos iøvrigt!
- Og pyt med bacheloren. Baby er så meget vigtigere og sjovere!
woot! congraaats ^-^
WOOOOW! this is wonderful news so congratulations to the both of you!! :D hurray!!! take extra care now!
Ihh, tillykke hvor er det bare dejligt!
waw that's great news! so exciting! congratulations! hope the baby will look better than the one in these pics!!!
How nice! Congratulations! And take care! ;)
ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ! Jösses vad roligt Mette!!!!
GRATTIS TILL ER!!!! Gosh, so fantastic!! :D
ååå vad roligt! Grattis. Ni har mycket härligt att se fram emot. Då kommer ju snart astrid lindgrens bok till pass. jag älskar sagoböcker.
tillykke! vad härligt! rufus ska bli storebror ;-)
OJOJOJ!! GRATTIS METTE OCH DENNIS AND RUFUS TOO :D wooow, this is really wonderful news!! I wish you all the best, hugs!
well that's just the most fantastic news! congratulations to you both, so cool.
tillykke tillykke mette og dennis - det er fantastiske nyheder!! jeg glæder mig sådan til min nye nabo kommer til verden : )
Congratulations Mette! I'm really happy for you! :)
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I am so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see photos.
Super great news !!!
So happy for you guys, you will make great parents :) And the tired thing starts getting better after the first trimester, you'll see.
congratulations! what wonderful news. best of luck, can't wait to see and hear more! xx
i hope the baby will not be that big... and take such a long time to get out of there..:-)
wow! grattis och lycka till!! /el
YAY! i am happy for you :)
Hurra hurra!!
Tillykke! :D
juhuuu jeg bliver faster....FANTASTISK. Tillykke fra mig. 2009 er vist året med de store dage for mig...:)
Grattis! That is so exciting! And what a pretty baby elephant you are having ;)
Og jeg bliver mormor - igen - hurra
How wonderful!!! Congratulations!!!
Take it easy and eat lots of good food. ;-)
I'm so happy for you.
M E T T E !
Det är helt galet! Jag tänkte precis att jag inte besökt bloggen på länge, samtidigt (detta är helt SANT handen på hjärtat och tio fingrar upp till Gud(arna)) att jag tänkte att snart kommer D och M få en bebbe - och så kommer detta fina inlägget!
Jag grattar en massa!!!!!!!
+ allt är väl i Malmö, vi jobbar på nästa utställning med Matthew Feyld!
you'll be a great mum!
Congratulations!! Jippy yey having babies is the best!! :-)
congratulations! you are having a baby elephant? no . . . just kidding! wonderful news for you both!
what beautiful news.
i am very, very, very happy for you!
congrats and hugs,
How wonderful. Huge congratulations. xo lj
grattis! :)
what can we say but congratulations
a happy colourful family you will make
what a happy new! congrats! can't wait to see the little face of the baby...
Congratulations to both of you! That is such wonderful news.
Wow, I miss a couple of posts and there you are, preggers!
It's wonderful news, I shed a little tear of happiness for you (melodramatic? no, probably just a little hormonal). But how, how wonderful :)
Oh your baby is going to enter such a lovely colourful triangular world and a lovely family of three becomes four.
I have been so behind on reading blogs (and updating my own) because of school, so I just saw this.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! How wonderful and exciting!!!! Awwww, I'm so happy for you, you will make great parents!!
YAY! Babies make the world so much sweeter. :)
ahhhh good news
i'm very happy for you
Congrats Mette!!
That's such good news!
Loving all your pics of spring/summer, so nice!
Oh! A baby... I wish you the best. There's no greater gift in life. Congratulations!!
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