It's not just E who gets great books. After getting most of my inspiration online for years I was thrilled to get the book Doppelganger as a 6 months early birthday present from my big sister! Its an amazing collection of humans.
▶ schorlemädchen: Fantastic! i found a you tube video its really beautiful! i actually remember the robbers from when i was kid -but not the story
▶ Maria: It is a really cool thing and it has been going on ever since my father was a kid!
▶ Svanna: wraahh is such a good sound! good for many different animals :)
▶ Jayne: Yes the illustrations are often so beautiful -there should be more illustrations in books for grown ups
▶ Masako: I love the big white noses
▶ Steph: ahh i think you are right! i will have to see if i can catch her doing it!
▶ Eske Eske: Tusind tak skal du have
oh yes, that look like a book i would love too! putting it on my wishlist... and hoping for a six month early gift aswell :-)
hi! i just wanted to say thanks so much for the information on your blogosphere paper project. it was very interesting! have a lovely day : )
i like flicking through books with you, both kids' and grown-ups'. :D
du er den ENESTE jeg kender, der kan håndtere en tidlig fødselsdagsgave! Det er sgu sejt. Og god gave!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ your blog!
Great book!:)
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