As i said Elinor really likes lions. She does this thing every time she sees one; she puts up both her hands and roars like a lion. So this is not just one of my favorites.
P.S. Check out the new number of N.E.E.T - i have contributed with some summer picks for my dream vacation.
▶ Linda: he he, Elinor er lige begyndt at kunne sidde stille til en speed-læsning af en bog = man genfortæller historien i turbo fart mens hun bladrer gennem siderne -Det er stadig bladring, der er det bedste ved bøger
▶ Stuffed Mice: I think there has been made too many ugly things with moomins - like this terrible tv cartoon we have in Denmark. But this one is really beautiful
▶ Meike: Yeah, they are definitely full of philosophy -especially the first 'real' moomin books
▶ Emma: ha ha - JA børnekroppe er mere behagelige :)
▶ Colleen: Its by Our Children's Gorilla, but i don't think it gets made anymore
▶ Maria: Yes, but Elinor is soon gonna challenge him to it
▶ Caitlin: Oh im so happy to hear!! how cool the help you rediscover!
▶ Rva Reipas: !!!
oh that is a beautiful book. Do you know the Three Robbers by Tomi was one of my favourites when I was is also quiet beautiful..the story and the book
Hihi I love the lions happy face:D Can see why you both like that book!
oh wow, your family camp sounds super great! what a cool thing to do:)
Gorgeous :) I love children's books- I have a habit of collecting them for myself
Such a great book - Nikolina says ssssssss when we ask here what the snakes says but all other animals say like the lion wrahhhhhhh :o)
i think elinor's lion impersonation calls for a GIF!
Ej hvor en fed blog! Jeg er ny her, så hvis du har lyst er du velkommen til at kigge forbi min:-)
the hair. love it. the lionhair. (winner combination: barnkropp + lejonhår?) ;)
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