One of the best things i know is watching Elinor when she plays by herself. Right now she is going through a pretty clingy phase so those moments are rare, but its so magnificent hearing her "talking" to her things and play around with them in her own way which isn't formed by any "game" or order. Sweet.
▶ Ida: Jeg lover flere kaffe billeder i fremtiden også. Og der er endnu flere, hvis du følger mig på instagram eller twitter.
▶ Alice: Thank you so much for reminding me of Radio lab and This American Life! they are so addictive! I love how you learn so many new things through storytelling! Will check that other one out!
▶ Emma: Yep and normal tape. Its def. not that good for the wall but im not too worried.
▶ Trula: The Moth is so good -haven't heard any bbc ones yet, but i will!
▶ B: Du kan altid vinde lidt babysitning :)
▶ PopTart: Det er en taske! eller tote -med alfabetet på! som jeg er ved at brodere. Tak, fordi du spurgte
▶ Lene: Uhh jeg kender hende. Ønsker mig en hat eller en trøje engang!
▶ Lily: Tak for den søde kommentar. Jeg har lidt forskellige eksterne harddiske. Har to fra Western digital (Mybook hedder den ene vist) og en fra samsung (G2 tror jeg den hedder). En er lille og mobil og de to andre har masser af plads og ikke alt for grimme. Jeg elsker at backe up! Er glad for alle tre!
▶ A Merry Mishap: Sorry :)
▶ CopenhagenMuffin: Har heller ikke mødt så meget forståelse for min besættelse, men jeg føler at folk begynder at forstå!
▶ Meyer-Lavigne: Oh it sounds perfect! need a practical/creative job! Actually i like listening when i make a website.
▶ Famapa: Takk!
▶ Linda: Har haft den liggende længe med henblik på at dele den her. Det er virkelig stemningsmættet musik
▶ Tiffany: Love crushes on radio personalities! i like the older npr-types!
▶ Mélisande: Thank you for commenting! I think i was watching "Boardwalk Empire" in that picture!
det lyder som meget fin 'snak' - legen ser god ud. og de der overalls, altså. jeg kan slet ikke holde det ud. får lyst til at kramme hende.
Ha, Elinor looks so cute! Her little yellow sweater is perfect. I like hearing LM talking to her things too :)
Bedårende som altid. Kig forbi. Jeg har lidt ros til dig og din blog :)
Oh I can see Rufus is playing on his own too!
Being able to play is such beautiful thing. (I miss that) I played until I was 13( I was last in my class who still played with dolls and stuff). And later it started to seem stupid..and I forgot how to play.
Hej Mette,
tak for en fantastisk blog, der slår selv facebook i yndlingsoverspringshandling. Jeg har længe været med på en smugkigger uden at efterlade kommentarer, men har nu i et par dage ledt internettet op og ned efter et sted at købe Pepe &friends i Kbh. Ved du hvor man kan få dem hende?
Very sweet and colorful.
That anchor blanket makes me want to grow a beard and go to the sea. Yes.
Happy weekend!
big brother seems busy on the couch, i wonder what kind of "hyss" he will teach her ;) hi you all!
Elinor is adorable, but you know my weakness is Rufus. He is such a couch potato: I can see him in the back of one of the pics. We have an Italian greyhound which looks almost identical to Rufus, only twice smaller. It's hurricane on a stick. I sometimes wish I had Rufus in my home instead of my crazy Ari.
Happy end of the work week ;)
Love her yellow pullover!
Elinor is such a cute kid....I can just imagine that it must be paradise at your place for a many colours and great things to play with :)) Love her little outfit with the yellow jumper
The first picture is tooooo sweeet!
That sounds so cute! We have the same walker by brio :)
She looks so cute!
sounds great, play without order is the most interesting play to watch! at least I think so.
this huge lego-head is great! i don't think you can get it here in austria. really cool.
so fascinating. and also, -how you actually doesn't NEED "toys"... BUY toys (even if...ofcourse you do that. me too) that is. cause the children can play boxes, water (splashing etc), pots or bowls etc etc. very fun i think. how they "connect" with crazy stuff like a marble or a ..spoon. simple! lovley! so are these pictures. and your words about'em.
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