This is Louise -and Elinor of course. Yesterday we went to Louises place (and Rasmus' -but he wasn't there) to experiment with the fabled crispy rolls! -deep fried maki rolls. And no, its not just maki with some sort of tempura veggies or shrimps -its the whooooole roll that is tempura'ed! They were goooood, but not perfect. We are going back wednesday to try another recipe! Crispy rolls will save the world. Louise has started a blog recently. I love it! More good people blogging!
▶ Den rådne radisse: Det er den talentfulde Stine Tranekjær! google hende! hun er go!
▶ Linda: De overalls er SÅ crazy! acid wash + mc hammer-style + quiltet jean! c r a z y
▶ Flora: Can't wait till Elinor speaks my language too, but i hope she keeps some of the language she is speaking now :)
▶ Malene: TAK for prisen! det er dejligt at få sådan en!
▶ Bantik: I played late too -i actually think many people do, but they keep it secret!
▶ Thea: Tak for kommentaren! jeg er ret sikker på at man kan få Pepe & Friends hos Area i store kongensgade
▶ Anna Emilia: It always makes me want to crawl up in the sofa!
▶ Sandra: They are so good at playing together! im gonna show some E + R interaction photos soon
▶ Elitsa: I love that about the photos too -that you can see them both! we also looked at IGs -i like that they are so small, but then we met Rufus who was so calm and shy (only as a puppy though) = <3
▶ Kristina: It is a secondhand find.
▶ Mary: Thats to cool thing about podcast -you can hear anything anywhere!
▶ schorlemädchen: Its a great place to play -it also includes dog food you can try to eat, LPs you can pull out and lots and lots of shoes you can throw around ;)
▶ wide-eyed: :)
▶ Snygg: I some times don't like the brio stuff in black, but i really like this one
▶ sara ananda: Thank you so much for the tips!! Its great!
▶ anja: :)
▶ maria libert: You never know what comes next
▶ Meghan: <3 NPR!
My boyfriend and I have a little whippet friend too, his name is Devo. I noticed in your pictures that they sleep in the same funny positions on the couch. (or the bed, if no one is looking...)
ps i like your blog.
Crispy rolls look difficult. I think you must be something like a dentist or a hair stylist - someone working with their hands - to do them well. Yours look very delicious though :)
Happy Sunday.
oh yummy, they look good! I have to try to make it someday.
and Elinor is soo cute as always! looks like she's about to go to sleep, and very happy;)
Hej Mette! There's a prize for you on my blog :) Have a great weekend!
it looks so good! Hope you find the perfect recipe.
Åååårh mums! Kunne da godt lige kværne sådan en rulle..
Og så dør jeg lidt indeni hver gang Elinor popper op! Hun er simpelthen så kær!
That looks great! I'm gonna try it next time I make sushi. Thank you for such a nice blog!
Hej Mette,
Hov jeg har da vidst ledt dig på afveje, da jeg sagde at mit sushi-sted solgte crispy rolls, jeg troede bare det var det INDVENDIGE der var friturestegt. Wow, havde ikke lige set din version komme. Det må jeg prøve en dag, men altså ikke noget de sælger på Susu alligevel, øv.
Jeg er i madrid for mit semester her og deler mine billeder osse på en lille blog:
kik forbi en dag
Knus, Sofie
such a sweet sweet photograph :)
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