The other day i had an incredible craving for a layer cake. Then i remembered that you can just make one if you want!
Elinor has started talking! -no, really! In that cute almost not audible way that only her parents can hear and find interesting: She calls Rufus F (an F sound where she blows air through her lips. Now she just needs the ru and the us part.
▶ Sandra, Kerry: He does feel better know - only sporadic coughing. im grateful that E and I didn't get hit too.
▶ Emma: D went to the doctor after a week and he told him that it was on its way out and he could do anything now, but he was sick for a week after that :(
▶ Bykirabo: Elsker det også, selvom jeg skræmmende nok har svært ved at koncentrere mig en hel film!
▶ Camilla: thank you so much -stop by anytime
▶ La casita de wendy: Im so glad to hear! thank you!
▶ Linda: Det bedste er når aftnerne og morgenerne er mørke nok til sterinlys!
▶ Idabidabum: Ja, det var et ret godt Tiger-stel! elsker også de små skåle!
that cake looks fantastic! i never make layer cake, {too scared of layer failure}, but i should, i really should!
This cake looks extremely delicious! I want a piece :)
Förstår Rufus att det handlar om honom när han hör Fffff?
mette, give me that cake! now! i demand you! glad to hear dennis is better and i giggled when i read about elinor saying f :)
haha, i love the photo of elinor and rufus. and that's a cute layercake you made!
Jeg skrev "drikke kakao med flødeskum" på min to-do liste efter dit indlæg om det, og nu vil jeg også tilføje "lave lækker lagkage"- hvor ser den go' ud... Elsker iøvrigt billedet at Elinor og Rufus der gaber!
Gosh, I cant decide which looks the sweetest - the cake, rufus or Elinor! Ill take all three!
delicious cake and dito baby!
oh you made my day with this first picture! i'm overwhelmed and the cake made my mouth water!!!
i love it when little children begin to speak. you should write down all the words she says and how she says them (i read that in a linguistic book lately). or you record her words :) i remember my parents had a tape with my first tries to sing a children song and it was so great when i listened to it when i was older!
What awesome pictures of the two of them together! It's like Rufus heard his name and responded with a yawn.
uhm fik også hjemmelavet lagkage forleden!! yes
Nämen Gud, så gott det ser ut!
haha, ofcourse that is "rufus"! its logical when you put 2 and 2 together. ofcourse, you know your ellinor. i like special languages. childrens languages especially.
get better - again... to D!
F er bestemt tale. Jeg sagde 'aaaar' i stedet for 'far' i mange år, fordi jeg havde så meget mellemørebetændelse, at jeg aldrig kunne høre forbogstaverne af ordene. Så jeg vil bestemt mene, at Elinor er godt på vej. Lagkage er i øvrigt en ting, man glemmer, man også kan lave. Også selvom det ikke er fødselsdag.
She's growing up so quickly! She doesn't look like a baby anymore... She's got a cute toddler face! :)
i love the little babys (or not anymore)talking so much! our little boy talks with our cats with his one sound, and they talk also with him.... ! absolutely cute!
I like your blog A LOT!
congratulations on the talking baby - 'F' - very impressive!
lovely photos - really really lovely
Thanks you
All yummie photos here :)!
love these photos. the light. the cake. but mostly elinor.
Hi there! I'm so sorry to comment on an older post but I've just discovered your wonderful blog!! Can I ask how that AMAZING layer cake is made or if there's a recipe for it somewhere?! :D
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