another sign that fall is here: Dennis has been sick for almost two weeks and we have been wathcing movies and drinking hot cocoa with whipped cream in the dark.
▶ B: Sejt!
▶ Alaina: Not Elinor :) She is a non-mover! fully content with where she is! Though she does move backwards some times
▶ Jeana Sohn: Im so fascinated by them!
▶ Adeline: I think so too :)
sounds cosy although i hope dennis will feel well very soon!
I was about to say as looks very cosy (and the cocoa very scrumptious)....however, boo to being sick. Well wishes to your household.
oh. go get better, dennis! soon. TWO WEEKS?! poor man.
i've got a sick man as well, i'm going to drive him to the doctor this afternoon...
looks like you do the best of it though. yum!
Elsker varme drikke og hygge i mørket :) Lige efter mit hjerte!
auguri a dennis!
lovely blog, nice to be here!
Hi! i just discovered your blog and i love it!! great pictures and stuff ♥♥ i´ll follow you!!
Ja, man glemmer, at det er netop dét, efteråret kan. Lige pånær sygdom er det nemlig smadderhyggeligt.
Ej, jeg bruger de samme tekopper til fyrfadslys. Så fine de er.
Det ser jo hyggeligt ud, men god bedring til D.
Where is the poster from? I love it!
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