when i looked through my photos today all i had were baby pictures... she is cute, but maybe i should go out with my camera a bit more... :)
▶ Louise Therese: Det er derfor du skal købe mig en!
▶ jokemijn: i love that i get to have a swing in my living room now!
▶ Fenke: How cool! i know Louise bought it in Berlin so maybe its a german thing. She says its been totally "renovated" inside so its really really good!
▶ schorlemädchen: Yes its a really cool colour! why does everything have to be black white or silver now??
▶ Søhesten: Og som du kan se, er louise også mindst lige så foreslket i min baby, som jeg er i hendes kaffekværn :)
▶ Veja Cecilia: yep! thank you IKEA (its a copy of a really expensive swing ;) )
▶ Emma: uhh i have been wanting to cut my hair like hers for a long time but never actually do it!
▶ Martina: Thank you for your sweet comment! i can just say: face your fears! you will never feel ready for the responsibility of a little person, but luckily its okay to learn along the way! you and the baby will grow together!
▶ Karin: Yeah the swing is great for all ages!
▶ Mary: i know. i have thought of stealing it!
i er så søde! jeg kan godt forstå du kun har babybilleder. :)
my my, she's grown a lot! :)
I know, but I do not have any pictures myself with the baby. only baby baby baby.
Babyboble eller ej... det er en tid, der ikke kommer tilbage....;o))
I don't mind the baby pictures, it's fun to see how (quick!)she grows!!
same here, I'm baby photographer for 14 months now, look at my facebook - there is nothing more than baby pictures
oh no, stay inside until spring, its so much snow yet! (kan ni ens köra barnvagnen i all i snö?) then take the camera AND Elinor out! :)) Cause yes, she IS cute! This picture is lovley!
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