Besides being Valentines day the 14th of February is also the day i first got a hunch i was pregnant last year and, most importantly of course, its Rufus' birthday!! Hip hip hooorrraayyy! Our little dog is now 4 years old -or 28 in dog years, which means he is the oldest one in our household! D and i are just as bad celebrating our beloved dogs birthday as we are at celebrating valentines day, but he did get this cool decoration of his eating-area (on our new fridge - more about that later). The Rufus-sticker is made by a good friend of ours who works at a printers, and he made one for our front door too -how cool is that?
▶ Cloé: godt mine læsere har forståelse for min situation :)
▶ Stefanie: i know, she is getting sooo heavy!
▶ R: I realised the same thing so i grabbed D and said "take a picture of me holding E! now!"
▶ Maja: nej man kan aldrig få for meget dokumentation, men man kunne måske blande dem op med et par billeder af omverdenen :)
▶ Brit: oh good!
▶ Petr: i guess its good to be carried away by the little ones!
grattis rufus!
mad dog?
yay! happy birthday rufus! & happy valentines day mette : )
wooow! happy b-day big boy Rufus!!
happy birthday rufus!!
Tillykke tillykke Rufus! Det er en sej gave, du har fået ved din spiseplads! ;)
I want a friend that works at a printers tooo!
happy birthday one day late rufus! du vet att jag älskar dig ;) puss!
Tillykke til Rufus! Og så fint med køleskabsbilledet :)
This is SO FUNNY my dog is born the 14th of february too :D
I love that 'mad' means 'food'... and I love your dog.
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