happy sunday everyone
the weather is changing so i need to post my snow photos before its too late. for a while there you could almost walk to Sweden (a fact that brings up bad memories for us danes). It might just be wishful thinking that spring is on its way, but im willing to live the dream a bit.
▶ Kempt: yeah, everything that is good for you should come in the shape of a brownie!
▶ Adeline: yes you are right -i didn't know the ones from Vitra
▶ Trula: I would really like to own some of those blocks as well!
▶ Ai: we just bought new pacifiers for Elinor and they were called moshi moshi kawaii -they are very kawaii indeed!
▶ Brit: you should -you really don't taste the beans they just give them a nice spongy texture
▶ Sopchan: what else could you say!
▶ Mieke Willem: im pondering a coffee-scheme! if i just sell 4 cups to my friends i could make a business out of it :)
▶ Lisen: yes, its a pity they are all sold out! i wanted to make some my self! or maybe put my dad on the job!
▶ Emma: Oh, those are the ones from Vitra. they are very similar. these are just a bit more.. modern maybe.
pen, pencil, stencil
these little wooden guys and their forest could move in with me any day! hoorray pen, pencil, stencil
▶ Schorlemädchen: The cups were a gift from us to our friends :) we have other cups by the same designer and they are just so delicious
▶ stefanie: Rufus often takes positions where i think: That cannot be comfortable!
▶ Linda Love: mmmm....
▶ Golubka: Go bake!
▶ Lina: I know -i love serving them to people and making them guess the special ingredient -they never do!
▶ Sandra: He says he is okay with you cheating on johan!
▶ E: go bake! its an order!
▶ Tara: thank you so much for the sweet comment!
black bean brownies
I made these black bean brownies the other day. What a hit! its them behind the sandwich. I love brownies because they are really just inflated pieces of chocolate and i love to think about all the protein i get from eating these ;)
▶ Stine Marie: Me too, but it did make it difficult to shoot the food in the right colours!
▶ Mandy: Thank you so much. I love it when people that reads this blog really gets the pictures and the feelings behind them :)
▶ Jokemijn: I love eating with my eyes! its very important i think!
▶ Lisen: I know. the rest of my life i will be blaming all food for not being this!
▶ Nan O Mea: hvor sjovt! vidste ikke de havde den uddannelse i århus. det lyder fedt!
▶ Danica: i can still taste it!
▶ Louise: I know, they have such a great home!
▶ Maria: oh close your eyes so you won't miss it too much!
▶ Miam attaque: Thanks for the comment -i will have a look
▶ Megan: I really hope it will be as awesome as i imagine!
▶ Annette: I know... i sometimes miss it too -except when i open the new one! sooo much better!
▶ Brit: wow good coffee?? where do you go to school??
three course
As a christmas present D got a three course meal at our friends place and luckily the gift was for both D and his family :) it was soooo goooood! Im still dreaming of that tuna steak. Every time i look at food now i think "why are you not a tuna steak"
▶ Everyone: So funny how bad coffee seems to be a world wide trademark of schools! gotta do something about that...
▶ Emily Salomon: Jeg følger faget media and communication lige nu og det er ...ret bredt! men rigtig fedt endelig at arbejde specifikt med den digitale vinkel på kommunikation! jeg glæder mig til næste semester, hvor jeg skal have webdesign og interaktionsdesign!
i haven't even told you that im all ready back in school! One day a week i am a student of Digital design and communication at the IT university! Its a very new and modern university and a whole different experience than where i used to study -visually anyway :) The coffee is as bad as any other place i have studied so im pondering a thermos and maybe starting my own little coffee stand at school
▶ Wide eye tree: i hope you feel better!! here its up and down -one gets better and the other one gets worse...
▶ Hello Sandwich: so proud
▶ Hanna Åberg: it looked much better (and less messy) through the camera lens than in real life :)
▶ Joanna: cool, i haven't seen it
▶ Mins: hmmm.. not too well, but well enough not to change them :)
▶ Ai: me too -such a quiet moment
▶ Marie: exactly! or dinner with friends :)
▶ charlotte: Thank you, don't you just love days that feel like that?
▶ Lina: thank you and congratulations! the ring is on its way!
▶ Melissa: So crazy -why could the heat and the snow not be distributed more evenly?
▶ Mathilde: Tak skal du have. Jeg har et Olympus e510 dslr. Det er rigtigt lækkert at bruge et dslr selvom det også er lidt dyrt
▶ §§: I er altid velkommen til whisky! kom! snart!
▶ Maria: you too!
▶ Brit: Yes its very strange not to be able to look over the top of your fridge any more
▶ Jana & Gracia: Thank you!
▶ Lisen: That is ssooooooooooo cold! other moms pressure me to take Elinor for walks in her babycarriage.. i just want to stay in! ps. I could feel your brainfreeze!!
▶ Louise Therese: Vi ses fredag :p
▶ B: Køb den! Køb den! det er kun penge :)
▶ Adeline: Thank you so much for sponsoring the amazing ring!
▶ Sunni: They er from a little danish company called darkling and you can buy them here: Stilleben
▶ s: hi hi -thats a good question......
▶ Alona: Tak tak tak for din søde kommentar!
drum roll, please
Hoooray! Congratulations to Lina from the blog From Lina who is the lucky winner of the Adeline Affre cloud ring! i just wanted to keep picking names - wish i could send you all a golden cloud! Thank you all for participating and for all the poetic and sweet comments! It has been so great to hear from so many of you! Remember, you can still visit Adeline's online store and pick up some of her beautiful jewellery!
purple snow
it is still very much so winter in this part of the world and we have all caught a cold.
▶ Celine: a little silly but it makes such a difference to be able to freeze stuff! bread, cake, lasagna, blueberries.
▶ Ol: thank you -its not as big a step when you all ready have the kid :)
▶ Marie: we live on really high up in the building and the washer is in the basement.... next project!
▶ Samyk: thank you for the link -i don't use bloglovin though
▶ E: wow how very old school! cool!
A couple of weeks ago i was tagged by Indie mom (and the reluctant banker) to show my fridge and tell the story behind something on the fridge. Well as luck (?) would have it, fridge-things are happening here! You have seen my old fridge in pictures before. It was small, old and only had a tiny frost-box -not a freezer! When became pregnant I realised that this was no longer just annoying -it would become crazy stupid not to have a proper fridge and a freezer when you have a kid! Well, i didn't manage to find the right fridge during my pregnancy and finally D lost patience with my fridge-project, went online and found us the almost new and super cheap Samsung fridge! digital display and three-drawer freezer and all! So we said goodbye to the fridge of our youth and hello to our very grown-up fridge! and then i remembered the tag and thought: what do you do when you get a new fridge? it seems wrong to just move all of the old stuff over to the new one. its difficult to make it look homey. It needs time to accumulate memories. I have all ready shown you the first decoration of the new fridge. But what should we put on the front?? suggestions please! -oh! and feel free to pick up the tag!
▶ E: i knew you would
▶ Golubka: D's mom took the picture!
▶ Bawkbawk: Oh you are right! how cool! i didn't know about Blinky-Bill
▶ Maria: That is why D is wearing the mask -always slow and sleepy!
▶ Lisen: Aw little goldielocks!
▶ Anna Emilia: im trying to but it keeps snowing!!
▶ Gamze: Im sorry i hurt your feelings -i like to keep the tone light here on the blog and there needs to be room for a little teasing. I have been looking through all the new blogs these comments made me aware of and enjoying it so much + i love to look through my stats and think about all the people from all over the world who stops by here -commenting or not.
▶ Melly: i just looked at some "old" pictures of her and can see how much her face has changed all ready. crazy!
and another bear
actually there are two new bears in our house! the mailbox bear and this light blue koala bear! and yes, i know a koala is not technically a bear, but to me they will always be the most bear-y of bears! (German Luna magazine made this sweet post about me :) )
▶ Sopchan: i made a pretty big margin so it would stick better, so it wasn't that huge
▶ E: how about this bear?
▶ Hanna: Its so cold these days and i switch between loving being inside and cursing the snow! its probably even colder in sweden!
▶ Lina: I am really surprised to hear from so many new people!
▶ Celine: It was pretty hard to figure out what you could turn a long slot like that into! but im really happy with the result!
▶ Cindy: Ja! loppen! mount eerie! no kids! juhuu!
The latest creature in our little home is this bear on our front door. Our building recently got mailboxes by the entrance so our throw-in won't be used any more and since cold air passed through it i temporarily closed it with newspaper and this little bear face
▶ Everyone: ha ha -i find it so funny how many of you stepped out of the shadow to get your hands on Adelines beautiful ring! I have a lot of new blogs to visit! Be sure to visit Adeline Affres online store -maybe pick out a substitute if you don't win... monday is so far away!
Adeline Affre - - g i v e a w a y --
boy have I got a treat for you, dear readers! The sweet Adeline Affre has made it possible for me to do a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious give away and for you to win this amazing cloud-ring! Besides being a cool blogger, Adeline Affre is an even cooler jewellery designer and to win this beautiful ring, just comment on this post before Monday the 22th at noon (CET) and i will draw the lucky winner! The ring is size 52 and in 24k plated gold.
Feburary is the month of family visits. We stared with a visit from my mother this weekend. I love seeing Elinor with her grandparents.
▶ Everyone: Thank you for the birthday wishes for rufus! and Mad means Food by the way :)
hip hip hoooorray
Besides being Valentines day the 14th of February is also the day i first got a hunch i was pregnant last year and, most importantly of course, its Rufus' birthday!! Hip hip hooorrraayyy! Our little dog is now 4 years old -or 28 in dog years, which means he is the oldest one in our household! D and i are just as bad celebrating our beloved dogs birthday as we are at celebrating valentines day, but he did get this cool decoration of his eating-area (on our new fridge - more about that later). The Rufus-sticker is made by a good friend of ours who works at a printers, and he made one for our front door too -how cool is that?
▶ Cloé: godt mine læsere har forståelse for min situation :)
▶ Stefanie: i know, she is getting sooo heavy!
▶ R: I realised the same thing so i grabbed D and said "take a picture of me holding E! now!"
▶ Maja: nej man kan aldrig få for meget dokumentation, men man kunne måske blande dem op med et par billeder af omverdenen :)
▶ Brit: oh good!
▶ Petr: i guess its good to be carried away by the little ones!
nothing but babies
when i looked through my photos today all i had were baby pictures... she is cute, but maybe i should go out with my camera a bit more... :)
▶ Louise Therese: Det er derfor du skal købe mig en!
▶ jokemijn: i love that i get to have a swing in my living room now!
▶ Fenke: How cool! i know Louise bought it in Berlin so maybe its a german thing. She says its been totally "renovated" inside so its really really good!
▶ schorlemädchen: Yes its a really cool colour! why does everything have to be black white or silver now??
▶ Søhesten: Og som du kan se, er louise også mindst lige så foreslket i min baby, som jeg er i hendes kaffekværn :)
▶ Veja Cecilia: yep! thank you IKEA (its a copy of a really expensive swing ;) )
▶ Emma: uhh i have been wanting to cut my hair like hers for a long time but never actually do it!
▶ Martina: Thank you for your sweet comment! i can just say: face your fears! you will never feel ready for the responsibility of a little person, but luckily its okay to learn along the way! you and the baby will grow together!
▶ Karin: Yeah the swing is great for all ages!
▶ Mary: i know. i have thought of stealing it!
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