if you happen to be in oslo tonight you should stop by cafe mono! my sister and her band Marybell Katastrophy will be playing there! im writing this sailing in to oslo. what a beautiful way to arrive!
cafe mono
if you happen to be in oslo tonight you should stop by cafe mono! my sister and her band Marybell Katastrophy will be playing there! im writing this sailing in to oslo. what a beautiful way to arrive!
my sewing machine does not get much rest these days. Here are a few of the things i have finished: pillows for our kitchen bar-stools, a quilted blanket from the marimekko-fabric, a changing pad in black with white dots for our brio wall changing-table (which we got used in a really good bargain -love that!) and a mini chain of flags for the pram and over the bed maybe.
▶ at swim-two-birds: hi hi -he is not a small bird -maybe 60-70 cm :)
▶ Epe: i find ostriches sort of scary! such a weird running bird!
▶ Emma: so cool that you know them! snøvsen is very very cool!
▶ Katrine: Ja snøvsen er også en af mine yndlings -det er så synd at alle går fra snøvsen!
strudsen rasmus
we have a new resident in our apartment. His name is Rasmus, he is an ostrich and a character from a danish childrens book (see him and other classic, danish childrens-characters here -in danish). He lives in the corner over Rufus' scull cave.
▶ Maria: thats the thing: im being very productive right now, but somehow i doubt i will be as productive making baby clothes etc. when the baby is here: im usually very lazy when it comes to sewing! i guess its actually a mom-to-be-nesting-syndrome, since i only seem to be able to sew baby-related stuff. i will just have to get as much done as i can now!
▶ mieke willems: yes its such a pretty, summer packaging! and a cute card for it too! Cindy knows i love triangles :)
▶ Flora: as i said to Maria, i really think im being hit by a nesting-syndrome :) i made a changing-pad too the other day! and babyslings! so easy to sew!
▶ Mins: yeah im thinking it would look good with a thin string to contrast the giant beads.. hmm. The drink is something between a cappuccino and a latte :)
▶ The modern spirit: she really is!
▶ Celine: go for it with the quilt! i really think triangles are almost easier than squares, but as you can see im not too careful when i sew: i don't really mind if the triangles do not line up perfectly.
▶ Lena: i like that you envy my baby :)
▶ Cindy: sounds really cool! want to see! i was gonna share the chocolate with a friend who was coming for coffee, but she cancelled so i ate them all my self :) :)
i want to make necklaces from the giant, wooden beads i bought, but i do not know what string to use. I thought of buying chains, but i would like something lighter and maybe also cheaper. hmm.. string-hunt.
▶ o l y: thank you so much
▶ Mins: IT was very good chocolate! -notice the cute card she made me too !
▶ Kristina: hi hi -im brainwashing you all :)
▶ Epe: Thank you so much!
▶ Emma: non are left...
▶ Lisen: i was so happy she chose the summer chocolates with berries for me :)
▶ Gracia: i often forget about white chocolate for long stretches of time and then rediscover and l o v e it :)
summer chocolate
last week i got this amazing, swedish chocolate as a gift from my friend Cindy! does it not look delicious? the one pictured is white chocolate with blueberry filling. mmmm. Hope you have all had a good weekend!
▶ Søhesten: Tak skal du have! farvestimuleret er et godt ord for colour-crazy :)
▶ Emma: thank you! yes, two of the blankets have a sort of filling. wonder what to call it in english.. hmm.. in danish its called pladevat!
▶ Lisen: almost :)
▶ §§: stoffet var så perfekt!
▶ Lina: yeah, i think you can spend a lot of time looking at the different triangles and patterns! i like that
▶ Katrine ny: Tak skal du have :) det er dejligt med ros efter en masse arbejde!
▶ boomcakalaca: Thank you so much. Just go for it! even though i have been sewing for years i don't think it makes that much of a difference. my philosophy is just go for it!
▶ Marie: Tak skal du have. Jeg har købt træperlerne på nettet på en side der hedder cchobby. de har dem i mange størrelser!
▶ A home far away: Tusind tak!
▶ Anna Caroline: thank you so much and you are very welcome :)
▶ Louise: i love the term "colour aware" it sounds so much more positive than colour-crazy :) thank you so much for your sweet comments!
▶ Luna: nicely spotted! yes i did -i have collected a lot of fabric-scraps from a friend of mine for all these projects and the bed set was amongst it :)
▶ Litofam: Tusind tak for din søde kommentar. Nej, indtil videre har jeg kun syet til mig selv. Det kunne helt sikkert være fedt at sælge dem, i en lille netbutik måske, men det ville også kræve lidt mere tid, end jeg har :) måske det kommer!
blanket x 3
more projects finished! this summer full of sewing projects my sewing-machine broke twice! and since i bought it online I had to send it across the country to get it fixed. Luckily they where very quick sending it back, so now I can finally finish a lot of projects! For example I finished three blankets for the baby. two thick, quilted ones and one lighter. Hope they will be good for swaddling. I realise there is a real possibility that our baby will go colour-crazy and triangle mad, but I don't care! I can't stop making these triangle patchwork-things! good thing its gonna be a winter baby so we can cuddle in all these blankets!
▶ Lisen: he he -guys can be so strange with things like that! "i don't like coffee tables" "i don't like things on wheels" :) you just have to convince them slowly :)
▶ Sopchan: much more diy coming up as i finish all the different things i have started months ago :) And thank you so much for the Oslo tip! i would really like to see the operahouse as well!
▶ Mieke Willems: there is an explosion of home projects on the blog these days because im finally finishing things :) maybe i need to spread it out a little more, but i do spend most of my free time working on these things!
▶ Emma: i love it when i have made a really good solution and feel really handy :) handy is a goood feeling!
▶ Maria: So glad you like the sofa! it turned our much better than i could have hoped for. you never know when you start out with such a project!
▶ Katrine ny: Det var D der insisterede på at vi skulle prøve at lave forlængerledningen! han hader grimme ledninger!
▶ B: Og vi glæder os så meget til at du kan passe ham! det er rart at vide at han har det godt mens vi er væk!
▶ Anonymous: thanks thanks!
▶ Kristina: tusind tak! vi er også blevet rigtig glade for rummet!
two more new details from our living room. I made a coffee table from a leftover from our kitchen and four wheels. Its on wheels to make both me and D happy, since D does not want a coffee table and i do = a coffee table that can be rolled under the sofa! And then i decorated an extension cord with b i g wooden beads. I have stolen the idea from here and im very pleased with the result! its always cool when you can make something yourself for a fraction of the price.
And now for something completely different: D and i are following my sister and her band to Oslo at the end of the month. Her band is playing on the ferry to Oslo! We have only a little over one day in Oslo and we need some good tips! what should we do while in town? know any good cafes, places and shops to visit? i have never been to Oslo before so i have no idea where to start :)
▶ Lisen: thanks! from all three -me, the sofa and rufus!
▶ Maikki: Yay! im so happy you are returning to the blogworld! i don't know what this kind of mattress is called in english, but directly translated it would be box mattress. its really really good for naps!!
▶ E: thank you!
▶ Sofie: I can't seem to stop myself -and there will be even more triangles in upcoming posts!
▶ Stefanie: Thank you!
▶ Mutti: tak! og ja -reolen fungerer ret godt der!
▶ Cecilie: :) tak skal du have. Her i sommer"ferien" samler jeg op på alle de ting jeg normalt ikke når at lave, så det er lidt overvældende
▶ Flora: I promise you its very very good for afternoon naps :)
▶ §§: det er så rart at vide at du kan læse med der hvor du er nu! og maile! og skype!
▶ Katrine Ny: TAK! og ja, den er så perfekt til oreos! bare de var lidt billigere i dk..
▶ Leen: thank you so much. we looked around for a long time too and could not find the right sofa to the right price. this one was very cheap since we got the mattress from my parents basement and the fabric is from a very cheap place.
▶ Provins: ja, man må virkelig stole på sig selv. Vi vil holde navnet hemmeligt til den lille er her, for det er svære at kritisere et navn, når man først ser en lille sød baby hedde det :)
▶ Sandra: Thanks! im really happy to have a comfortable couch! one you can take naps in and lie next to your dog or your man!
▶ BB: thank you! yes i am obsessed and i can't seem to stop with the triangles -you will see. Im so happy with this solution because it was cheap and it works so well!
▶ Mieke Willems: aw thank you! its so important to me how the atmosphere in my home is, so it means alot to me that you like it too.
▶ Ai: Yay indeed. it took along time to decide on fabric and such, but as always i just ended up doing something instead thinking :)
▶ Epe: hi hi -yes D thought it was nice if i showed the couch in use so he snapped some pictures when i took a little rest -not hard to capture me in a moment like that these days :)
▶ Famapa: hi hi -it think the picture is creating an illusion! im huge :) i will have to show a picture of the full belly from the side, then you will see!! still can't get used to the thought that it will get even bigger :)
sofa sofar
Here is a view of the sofa i have "made" as a replacement for our lovely, but impractical, long brown wonder. Its a mattress and two giant pillows. I found the pillows really cheap online and they are so great because the are huge and very firm. i actually bought three because the were such a bargain but im not sure what to do with the third; its so big! well i then sawed off some legs for the mattress that my dad found for us in a container (oh i just realised you can't see the legs -i will show you later) and sewed a cover in grey triangles. im really pleased with the result -its very comfortable and the size means we could finally rearrange things in our living room!
▶ Lina: glad you like it -and yeah i love Science of sleep so Ponyboy has two good references! -the title of the post is actually Golden the ponyboy because of Science of sleep!
▶ Emma: who knows! We have had a lot of trouble finding boys names so maybe Ponyboy is the frontrunner :)
▶ Rynke: i have always loved "table shots" like that. where you can just see the little things surrounding people!
▶ Lisen: yeah you are right its is very soft. and Ponyboy in The Outsider is such a nice complex soft, bad boy :)
▶ Maria: or maybe a nickname.. you feel a great responsibility to choose the right name -a name that will be personal but not make you a freak. But i like thinking of the little thing kicking in my belly as Ponyboy :)
▶ Provins: Navne er virkelig noget alle har en mening om! Ponyboy er nok lidt for ...udansk, men ligegyldigt hvor almindeligt et navn man vælger, er der altid nogen der synes det er mærkeligt!!
▶ Betsi: Thank you so much! keep stopping by!
golden the ponyboy
This weekend has been all about staying in. we watched Deadwood and The Outsiders and fell in love with the name Ponyboy. What do you think?? tonight we've been decorating the living room while listening to Malk de koijn and Beethoven.
▶Jenna: I love fall too, but its always a little surprising when it comes around :)
▶ BB: the danish summer weather is all about sun and rain every five minutes.
▶ Kristina: I love having roses out side our front door. They are on each side of the entrance and make me smile :)
▶ Lina: D always claims he has had no vacation at all when fall comes around. its only sort of true :)
▶ Ashley: pure
▶ Lisen: It used to be that 9 months felt like a looooong time -but not any more!
wow sometimes time travels so fast. All summer i have had a to do list of about 60 things. all projects to be finished before the baby comes in late october. And i have been enjoying doing all these projects alot, but wow. times travels fast. we are like mid-august now! october is moving ever closer and summer is actually kind of over. it surprises me. (the list is at 54 now but i keep adding two things every time i finish one :)
▶ Emma: thanks emma! i straighten my bangs and as soon as i go out it sort of curls up a little bit :)
▶ Sofie: yep he sure does! these were second hand and perfect for being pregnant in!
▶ Anne: I love the label and the colour of the lemonade! there were so many beautiful colours to choose between! i chose the one that matched my tights :)
▶ Epe: Thank you! i have actually printed it because i really like it too. good photo-work D!
▶ mieke willems: i really like the composition of the sec. pic too!
▶ Steph: you feel awesome when you wear them!
▶ Hello Sandwich: The day after the nap in the park it started raining! the weather is so danish now: sun, rain, sun, rain every 15 minutes!
▶ Fine little shop: Thank you so much :) Im bad at taking "real" belly shots to follow the development -will just take alot of other shots of my belly to remember it
▶ sopchan: Exactly!
orange and green
the Bernhard Wilhelm tiger-tights i bought in berlin were a perfect colour match for the mandarin lemonade i drank this weekend and the grass in Kongens Have was a perfect place to lie down.
▶ Mutti: tak :) det vil jeg gerne læse en dag!
▶ Katrine Ny: hi hi, tak tak tak! håber i har haft det helt fantastisk!
▶ Emma: almost a little poem you made there!
▶ Lina: Its so cool that my little belly can excite other than us :)
▶ Lisen: sounds just about perfect! I can never make my basil grow! my dad on the other hand has the greenest fingers!
▶ Neftos: Only when i lean forward :)
▶ milk tooth's rain: oh im so sad to hear about your dog -hope its feeling better!
▶ Maria: i used to work every weekend -actually everyday of the week and now that i have weekends off it feels just amazing!
▶ Anne: thank you!
▶ Epe: hi hi yes it is quite big now! i still have a hard time imagining that it is going to get much bigger :)
▶ Gamze: lovely little list!
▶ asphaltandair: :) so happy that you like seeing it. For a moment it felt like a weird picture to post..
sunday sunday
im loving mozzarella soo much these days. i could live on tomatoes, mozzarella, fresh herbs and olive oil! (and very dark chocolate..) did you have a good weekend??
▶ sc: some very very good bs
▶ par3rg0n: they are pretty darn cute!
▶ B: uuuhh bland selv slik!
▶ yukester: i know i almost can't tell them apart!
▶ Lisen: How cool!! i would love to know where rufus brothers and sisters live now!
▶ Emma: mmm.. whippet-ice cream!
identical twins
Did you know that Rufus has an identical twin in japan named Long Long?? Long Long is Paulas dog and its so cool how much the two look alike!
▶ Young: jeg er altid splittet når det kommer til kaffe for jeg kan virkelig virkelig også lide varm kaffe... men på en dag som i dag! I S K A F F E -tak!
▶ Emma: I steal straws at macdonalds :) they are perfect for icecoffee and smoothies
▶ Kristina: So are we! he/she is very active but its good to know that everything is growing as it should!
▶ Hayley: the blender is a bosch mixxo quattro. and it does not complain at ice or frozen berries or anything!
▶ Epe: We lived in reykjavik for almost a year and have not been back since we left!
▶ Gamze: I hope you went and got one!!
▶ Hello Sandwich: Its amazing to feel the baby -its very active which is nice and .. a little weird.. But mostly just very very wonderful!
▶ Lisen: Exactly! i knew you would understand :) we were crazy dog-people in berlin -i didn't photograph any dogs because i was too busy talking to them!
▶ Asphalt and air: Its a bosch called mixxo quattro! it comes in different variations and mine is black :)
▶ Anne: Thank you -its always so nice to go to these check-ups and get a little update on the mysterious baby in my belly!
ice ice baby
a perfect ice-coffee! my old blender broke and i convinced myself i had to get a hand blender instead because it would be, well, handy when the baby comes. the problem is that i hate hand blenders. they are overrated. and they are often ugly. and not good with ice cubes.. :) but i found one that is acceptable and the big test has been ice-coffee - luckily it did it to perfection in seconds! perfect for a hot hot day like this. We have visited the midwife today and the baby is just the right size and everything. She told us how to feel the head and the back and the butt :)
▶ Brit: as i have said to the others: go go go!
▶ Milk tooths..: yeah i really liked the posters! and the logo is cool too!
▶ Hayley: tanks!
▶ Emma: Welcome home! yay for berlin and yay for vacation!
So our trip is coming to an end. This is just a few snaps from our last day in berlin -ending with boring sandwiches at the not so charming tegel airport -how come berlin has closed the only airport with any history and personality? It was a really wonderful trip just as berlin should be. Next we plan to go to reykjavik and stockholm -we'll see- we are not the biggest travellers in the world and i really really enjoy being back home again :)
▶franziska: yes cos is a great store -we have one in copenhagen too, so i thought it would be silly to spend to much time there, but they did have 70% off their sale stuff...
▶ Hanna: i think the same thought everytime i see the picture
▶ Sylvester and mama: its the best! ... well one of the best anyway!
▶ Niller: åh nej, hvilken lille, hyggelig cafe var det??
▶ Ai: i know -i thought about it too and thought about how bad i would be at stealing!
▶ Lisen: very good and very very fresh juice, but quite expensive compared to some of the other places we went
▶ Ida: go go go -and thank you for reading!! ▶ Hayley: we don't eat out much here in copenhagen so i will be looking at these food photos alot!!
▶ K: there you go!
▶ Ashley: i could so have handled that cake before i got pregnant! but now? anything big and sweet is too much :(
▶ Louise: go go go
▶ Gamze: When they served them i thought it was spoons too. nothing better than cold, freshly squeezed oj!
where were we.. oh yeah! berlin! day 4! hanging out in Mitte on a very very hot day and eating the most amazing cake at Barcomis! banana-blueberry cheesecake and chocolate-espresso cheesecake! w o w. I could not finish my piece and got the rest in a doggy-bag :)
▶ Thank you everybody for all your sweet berlin-comments! and for the congratulations! Berlin gets a lot of love :)
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