last week i got this amazing, swedish chocolate as a gift from my friend Cindy! does it not look delicious? the one pictured is white chocolate with blueberry filling. mmmm. Hope you have all had a good weekend!
▶ Søhesten: Tak skal du have! farvestimuleret er et godt ord for colour-crazy :)
▶ Emma: thank you! yes, two of the blankets have a sort of filling. wonder what to call it in english.. hmm.. in danish its called pladevat!
▶ Lisen: almost :)
▶ §§: stoffet var så perfekt!
▶ Lina: yeah, i think you can spend a lot of time looking at the different triangles and patterns! i like that
▶ Katrine ny: Tak skal du have :) det er dejligt med ros efter en masse arbejde!
▶ boomcakalaca: Thank you so much. Just go for it! even though i have been sewing for years i don't think it makes that much of a difference. my philosophy is just go for it!
▶ Marie: Tak skal du have. Jeg har købt træperlerne på nettet på en side der hedder cchobby. de har dem i mange størrelser!
▶ A home far away: Tusind tak!
▶ Anna Caroline: thank you so much and you are very welcome :)
▶ Louise: i love the term "colour aware" it sounds so much more positive than colour-crazy :) thank you so much for your sweet comments!
▶ Luna: nicely spotted! yes i did -i have collected a lot of fabric-scraps from a friend of mine for all these projects and the bed set was amongst it :)
▶ Litofam: Tusind tak for din søde kommentar. Nej, indtil videre har jeg kun syet til mig selv. Det kunne helt sikkert være fedt at sælge dem, i en lille netbutik måske, men det ville også kræve lidt mere tid, end jeg har :) måske det kommer!
The packaging is cute, I especially love the bright colour! Did it taste nice?
den ser god ut!
vet du, jag var på ikea idag, och när jag såg trianglar (på tyger till exempel) så tänkte jag på dig. min hjärna har kopplat ihop triangel = mette :-)
mmmm, looks delicious!
ps. the blankets are amazing mette. the baby will be so happy!
how sweet (of her)(and the sweets). :)
i have been tasting some other flavours from that "candy brand" (?) and it's delicious! got some left now this monday? ;)
I've bought that candy too..but another taste...dont remember...but it was something with vanilla...did'nt like it, it was way toooo much vanilla. I would have bought THAT taste instead... ah. Looks tasty!
And the package is nice!
So nice with surprise-mail from friends!!
White chocolate is my weakness... and, as always, sweet and savory bites posted here make my tummy rumble with hunger.
Mums, looks good!
Your blanket is fantastic! So great for your baby who will have a mum sewing all these great stuff for him/her:)
The best chocolate you can eat! I love Åre Chokladfabrik!!
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