Did you know that Rufus has an identical twin in japan named Long Long?? Long Long is Paulas dog and its so cool how much the two look alike!
▶ Young: jeg er altid splittet når det kommer til kaffe for jeg kan virkelig virkelig også lide varm kaffe... men på en dag som i dag! I S K A F F E -tak!
▶ Emma: I steal straws at macdonalds :) they are perfect for icecoffee and smoothies
▶ Kristina: So are we! he/she is very active but its good to know that everything is growing as it should!
▶ Hayley: the blender is a bosch mixxo quattro. and it does not complain at ice or frozen berries or anything!
▶ Epe: We lived in reykjavik for almost a year and have not been back since we left!
▶ Gamze: I hope you went and got one!!
▶ Hello Sandwich: Its amazing to feel the baby -its very active which is nice and .. a little weird.. But mostly just very very wonderful!
▶ Lisen: Exactly! i knew you would understand :) we were crazy dog-people in berlin -i didn't photograph any dogs because i was too busy talking to them!
▶ Asphalt and air: Its a bosch called mixxo quattro! it comes in different variations and mine is black :)
▶ Anne: Thank you -its always so nice to go to these check-ups and get a little update on the mysterious baby in my belly!
both so nice
søde de to små, men Rufus er nu en lille bitte smule sødere...:)Rigtig dejlig weekend til jer...har overlevet første uge,hvor kan 11 børn være både kære og små djævle:) så nyder en aften på langs med en lækker pose bland selv slik:)
wow, that's crazy!
What cute dogs you both have : )
hihi! Cool! Did you know Stina had a real sister in - Denmark!! Nice Nettie. :) http://www.kurane.dk/
they are extremely looking alike! so fun ... oh, i think at kola-vanilla ice cream when i see their colours. :)
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