▶ Misislau: Thank you - happy new year!
▶ SpdZ: It was! happy new year!
▶ Ida: Man bør lave sushi lidt oftere -det er super nemt. Dør stadig lidt når jeg tænker på hvor god (men dyr) den tun var
▶ Katrine: Godt nytår! Hun puttede hele maki stykker i munden på en gang! Og kunne endda spise is bagefter -nu beder hun om is hver gang hun har spist
▶ Malina: Thank you so much! with the german I know from school I could make out the headline :) I have some friends who have lived in Berlin, I think I will get them to translate the rest! Happy New Year!
▶ Victoria Knysh: There are surprisingly many people who do not like NYE -I love it when people break tradition and do what they want!
▶ Maja: Det er første gang jeg har lavet nigiri -det kræve en virkelig flot og god fisk -resten kræver bare lidt øvelse
▶ Malin: Happy new year, Malin!
▶ Gina: It so nice to avoid all the crazyness in the rest of the world and isolate yourself with your favorite things/people
▶ Sidsel: Sejt!
▶ Mathias: Tak! det var virkelig svært at koge det hele ned til 12
▶ mieke willems: Exactly! being on the streets on NYE just makes me sad
▶ handmade romance: And to you too!
Really nice! We got a handprint from barnehage this year. It was sweet, but I think I'd rather have a tote bag for everyone to see. Elinor's good at picking out a color scheme! Happy New Year, Mette!
Waaauw, that looks great!
Maybe she become a famous artist, who will know?:D
Hmm, it make me so happy to read your blog every time, i love it:)
Ooh, and a happy new year!
Hun er sej:) jeg har lige syet nogle poser som Martin skal trykke hans grafik tegninger på, men det er da Elinor vi skal have med:) Rigtig godt nytår til jer alle:) Vi ses snart... har fået overnatning i nabolaget:)
Wohaa, sooooo nice - if you´re going to sell out a Collection I´ll take some!
By the Way: is there a Possibility to scan the whole Article?! Curious to read more. Free Translation included ;)
Happy New Year!
is quite touching to get a gift from your child,especially when it is two years old!
Hi, love your blog!
Nice bag! Pillowcases and kitchen towels are also good for printing (made some with my kids for this jul).
I was wondering, where on earth did you get those knife magnets? Love'em!!
Happy new year to you and your loved ones. The bag is gorgeous! :)
This IS the best gift! It makes me want to play with Lou Mé for birthday presents this year :)
Have a wonderful New Year by the way! Hope there will be less exams/deadline stress and more rest/fun times :)
Så fin! Jeg husker jeg laget en duk med potettrykk til mine foreldre en gang i barnehagen.. den har på mystisk vis forsvunnet. Kan godt være jeg ikke var like artistisk som Elinor!
love this! she's an artist! great idea!
This is so nice! I can think about so many needless presents I made for my parents in kindergarten and school - and this bag is absolutely awesome!
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