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Last Chance
Monday is the last chance to enter! ...all though I might extend the deadline a little, you can never be sure!
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Hvass og Hannibal
▶ Mirthe: I made a guide a long time ago, but really all I can tell you is that it is very very easy once you have all the ingredients in house
▶ Maja: Tak -køkkenet er fra Ikea. Det er fem år gammelt så jeg ved ikke om de har de samme, men jeg mener det hed applåd. Vi har selv boret hullerne til greb
▶ Sofia: Tusind tak for den søde kommentar!
▶ Niki: You are right - I love that they have a very timeless feel to them
▶ Irene: Exactly -good mix of the practical and the sentimental
▶ Siri: It is called Pin-Gu-Dil :)
▶ Sara: Præcis! En meget meget god funktion!
▶ Lisen: Yes! I love it - I really like the idea of building your own animal - so far E finds it most fun to find the right combination, but I think she will like the other aspect when she gets older.
▶ Johanna: The bowler hat lamp is exactly the Jeeves one you mention. I could not find a bowler my self and I really like the gold inside
▶ SpdZ: Oh, that so funny! We have the innersleeve from the cd hanging on our kitchen wall -he is really talented
▶ Anki: We have to make a rotation for our art - have some thing up for three or six months and then change everything to bring in what there was not room for :/ Someday I hope to have a big home with lots of walls begging for art
1/ D and I gave each other this Jason Jägel MF DOOM limited edition print - Last year around christmas we got this one
2/ We got this amazing animal print from my sister and her family for christmas. It is from an antique german book of african animals and my sister went through all sorts of craziness to find the book. I love how the animals are stacked on top of each other. so beautiful.
3/ Elinor got this print from my sister and her family. It is by some of my favourite Danish illustrators Hvass & Hannibal -you should really check out their work! -I need to go to Ikea and get some more frames
4/ The last one we got for our birthdays (same givers :)) It is made by - hold on - My brother-in-laws little sisters boyfriend! An elephant within an elephant
▶ Anette: Det er 'det tredje krydderi' - smagsforstærker
▶ Sewon: It seems really smart to have umami in this way
▶ Charlotte: I am surprised how many people know it! I had never seen it before
▶ allesistgut: Yeah I think it is a very clever packaging
also good
▶ Likemybike: So happy you like it here! Would not mind having a famous artist-daughter :)
▶ B: Det lyder godt!
▶ Emma: Ha ha -I am only gonna eat aubergines at my yellow table
▶ Mia Frida: Uh I am not sure -will look into scanning -but you should look up the magazine too :)
▶ Niki: I know, I was very moved -she has the best day care
▶ Anonymous 1: Yeah that sounds like a great idea! The knife magnets are from the brand Eva Solo, but I have added the colored folio on top.
▶ Anonymous 2: Don't cry! I promis my life is full of boring and hard everyday stuff too! :)
▶ Eva: It is s u p e r easy to make sushi! go do it!
▶ Allesistgut: And to you too!
▶ Flora: I just had an exam yesterday! So now there is one less to go before I am all done. Have one more this january
▶ Linn Maria: ah en dug er en god ide også! håber hele min familie bliver glad for hjemmelavede gaver i år!
▶ Tess: Yes - a lot of my friends had a hard time imagining it before they saw it the first time
▶ Thale: no, because they were actually quite dry cause we did not have enough butter.
▶ Lisen: yes -I think the tote bag idea is brilliant -so useful!
best gift
▶ Misislau: Thank you - happy new year!
▶ SpdZ: It was! happy new year!
▶ Ida: Man bør lave sushi lidt oftere -det er super nemt. Dør stadig lidt når jeg tænker på hvor god (men dyr) den tun var
▶ Katrine: Godt nytår! Hun puttede hele maki stykker i munden på en gang! Og kunne endda spise is bagefter -nu beder hun om is hver gang hun har spist
▶ Malina: Thank you so much! with the german I know from school I could make out the headline :) I have some friends who have lived in Berlin, I think I will get them to translate the rest! Happy New Year!
▶ Victoria Knysh: There are surprisingly many people who do not like NYE -I love it when people break tradition and do what they want!
▶ Maja: Det er første gang jeg har lavet nigiri -det kræve en virkelig flot og god fisk -resten kræver bare lidt øvelse
▶ Malin: Happy new year, Malin!
▶ Gina: It so nice to avoid all the crazyness in the rest of the world and isolate yourself with your favorite things/people
▶ Sidsel: Sejt!
▶ Mathias: Tak! det var virkelig svært at koge det hele ned til 12
▶ mieke willems: Exactly! being on the streets on NYE just makes me sad
▶ handmade romance: And to you too!
new years eve
So for us New Years eve is a night to be together just the three(+ rufus) of us after a Christmas full of people, its a night to eat delicious food, have ice cream (Elinor talked about that for days), watch a good movie and try to ignore the fire works. Last night I made a sushi feast -the most delicious tuna and crispy rolls (deep fried maki)! I was sure we had way way too much for the three of us, but E ate like a grown man and loved it. Now I think I will ice cream for lunch.
▶ Anonymous: Bare rolig, det hører vi temmelig ofte -heldigvis er det sandt
▶ Linn Maria: We only have a pitcher with the same black and white moomin print, which is my favourite -though I would love the cup with Moomins dad. Maybe I can get it "for Elinor" since he is her favourite character.
▶ H: those are my favourite too -I really love the older moomin drawings best
▶ SpdZ: thank you and thank you -I think we are gonna stick with the yellow for a while and see if I get used to it :9
▶ Niki: Glad you like it -I loved the old one very much, but it is quite worn down
▶ Mirna: Thank you, I, of course, think so too
▶ Sewon: Isn't it cool that we have two? both vintage found at different times by D
▶ Malene: Tror man skulle have lavet et indlæg pr måned! Godt nytår!
▶ Stuffed mice: Happy New Years
▶ Irene: Yes I think so too! It is cool to be asked for stuff like that
▶ Camille: You too!
▶ Stefanie: Have a lovely break!
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