Lev Tokmakov via Where the lovely things are
Surrur via Varpu
Tauba Auerbach via ??
Christian Herr via My love for you.
Thank you .so. .much. for all the sweet comments on the sweater post! Some of you said it made your day -well imagine how I feel! Internet Love!!!
(one of my favorite comments: "sweaters in pairs is where its at" (by Bianca) - the fox sweater is by Peter Jensen - and yes.. Elinor has got a couple too... maybe another series one of these days..)
Sometimes i get chills when i realize how inspiring the internet is. Like these four images. Internet Love!!!
So im thinking of doing a little blog redesigning! I have felt very attached to this design - somehow it has been almost too perfect a fit! But i realized that i could take my favorites from this design with me!
And since you guys are kind of a big part of this place i would like to hear any suggestions or comments before starting designing! What do you like and what do you miss? do you ever read the comment-replies?? or use the archive?
I'm so happy when I find a reply to comment:>>
And I think changes are good thing most of the time.
the sweaters are amazing!
redesigning is always great, you don't have to wait until you're sick of the old one to make a new one :)
the comment replies are great i think, so i'd hold on to those.
and also, the third picture in this post is great, it took me a while to notice the numbers in it though!
This design is unique and so personal, but i will love to see a refresh too!
I use the Archive all the time. I think it's important for a picture blog. Commentaries I do not read that much as many of them are in languages that I don't know :)
In all cases, I love simple designs for picture blogs. But you are known for your love of prints, so go wild then :))))))
Happy day!
Du har et helt fantastisk design på bloggen din, et av de beste jeg vet. At dine svar på kommentarene er synlig er en utrolig god idé, og gjør at det er mer fristende å kommentere. Det eneste jeg kan synes er litt uoversiktelig er alle lenkene på høyre side. Men det er bare fordi det er veldig mange av de, og man må bla veldig lenge for å komme til arkivet.
Ellers liker jeg å kikke i arkivet. Særlig fra bryllupet, for det er så sommerlig. Man blir så glad.
i love these draws, good selection!
Noget af det jeg elsker ved din blog er at der er så meget luft. Og det er utroligt når du samtidig har så yummy store billeder, mmm. Det må ikke gå væk, vel?
Jeg elsker din kommentarsektion, men leder aldrig i arkivet. På den ene side kan jeg godt li din gigantiske blog roll, fordi man ikke kan finde rundt og finder ting man ellers ikke ville finde; samtidig gør det også, at jeg ofte slet ikke kigger i den. glæder mig til nyt design :-)
I ALWAYS read the comment replies, it's one of my favorite parts!
Men jag förstår om det kanske tar tid att skriva dem. Är mycket imponerad att du tar dig tid hur som helst. :)
I read the comments. And I have definitely used the archive.
WOW! What an amazing collection of jumpers! I like. I like.
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