i don't have any time for taking pictures these days + the day light disappears so quickly. So instead i'll show you these blurry images of what im working on for one of my exams.
▶ Francivusk: i know, i almost aw'ed myself out going through all the photos of him
▶ milk tooth's rain: that must be so hard! but nice that you know he is a good place
▶ la_sale_bete: exactly -he is such a part of our daily routine! -for example, nobody eats the left overs that elinor drops on the floor :)
▶ Siri: no he actually didn't -though he has misjudged some jumps in his time, he is usually very lucky. The funniest thing is when he falls of the bed or sofa in his sleep
▶ Ida Rud: Det er også virkelig rart at savne ham. Det glemmer man jo når han er der
▶ Chrristine: just do a google picture search on dogs or puppies when ever you need a pick-me-up
▶ Emily: Jeg tænkte godt over at det næsten virkede som et sørge-indlæg da jeg skrev det, men heldigvis er han bare i århus! Og det er fint med amager am see! bare lav et indlæg så snart du får lyst
▶ Whitney: Yeah, and its really nice to miss him too. you can feel how much he means to you
▶ Ania: Thank you so much for visiting -i hope you come back
▶ Vanessa: He is a whippet, so very much like a greyhound only smaller
▶ B: det er godt at vide at han er hos dig.
It's a busy time of the year:))
I hope that your exams go well :)
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