A white/gray walk on islandsbrygge, walking to a mall on the other side of the water for building supplies. Copenhagen has copied, is it praques?, romantic padlocks of love - oh i just googled it and i guess padlocks of love is a world wide phenomenon - but none the less it is a pretty new thing on the pretty new brygge-bridge and i like the look. We didn't bring a lock.
▶ Lisen: i can't say changes without singing that song either
▶ Dessa: I know the feeling - but i could never get rid of my things :)
▶ Erica: I like sleeping in a different room once in a while
▶ B: Det var skam ham der savede!
▶ Emma: i hate change things i build myself! thats the hardest!
▶ Jana: Yeah me too when i bake - there is flour everywhere!
▶ Emma: wow a gold print would be so cool!
▶ Wide-eyed + Sopchan: i will show you as soon as they are presentable!
Hej Mette!
Jag ska åka till Köpenhamn i november och har noll koll på roliga affärer/loppisar/fik. Tänkte höra ifall du har några tips? Du kanske redan skrivit någon "guide" med dina favoriter isåfall får du jättegärna länka den :)
Stor kram!
I remember reading somewhere once that in some city the padlocks of love were becoming a problem even, because there were so many attached to a particular bridge that their weight was starting to be too much for the bridge to carry!
But it is quite romantic a gesture to make, I think.
i really love this idea. it's so beautiful!
oh, someone just showed me another place like this, with this romantic locks. so nice! reminds me of "my" bathing house (?) where you can levae your own lock, just lock it on a "pole" and you just bring the key next time you go swimming. kind of smart, since you often forget your lock ... :S
there were some at admiralsbrücke here in berlin, too, but they removed them. it is such a cute phenomen.
apparently it originated in Italy. haven't seen any in London (yet!).
funny, i've just seen sooooo many of these today on a bridge in cologne... i was wondering about it, because i didn't know about this phenomenon. but it looked so pretty. there were even some bike locks woven into the fence in a heart shape...
Sejt han savede... Paris er fyldt med disse hængelåse på broerne, det ser vildt fedt ud. Rigtig god dag i morgen...hurrraaaa.
I saw this in Moskow as well :)
This tradition is very sweet and very old ... a brand new way to do that is to do it on the Internet !
Feel free to visit : www.thelovegrid.eu
With love of course ;-)
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