Surround yourself with smiles! its easy when you find boxes like these in your local supermarket!
▶ Bantik: I could use a get away like that: either with indian summer or just a fireplace!
▶ Celine: me too - stripes + purple!
▶ Siri: I found the horse outside a store selling used childrens stuff and had to take it. love the blue and red!
▶ Frøken Garsdal: Der er intet bedre end gråvejr når man kan være hjemme!
▶ Ida: Tak!
▶ Milk tooth: Thank you!
oh! i recognize those from our supermarket as well. they are really nice , and i heard a radio show just now that told me to surround myself with happy faces, cause you become happier yourself, when you do that..! :D perfect.
Det må være efterårets bedste budskab, hvad enten smilet leveres i æskeform eller som den ægte vare.
these are soo cute...would buy them in an instant!
Oh my! Why don't they have these in my supermarket?!
funny... i live in ukraine and the same box I bought some time ago in local supermarket
... pet grief on vinyl!... nice :)
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