Days are getting shorter - lightwise, but not when it comes to things i need to get done. Days feel long with lots of things that needs to get done. Question: Do you introduce new people you meet to your blog? or do you keep it more of an internet-secret? im torn.
▶ Linda: heldigvis
▶ Jana: I didn't know that one! im bad at following recipes -and even worse when they are in a foreign language, but they are great inspiration!
▶ Kadhysign: my pizza stone broke in three -i still use it, but i would like a new one. Im getting my masters in digital design and communication
▶ Emma: oh no - allergic to bread? that sounds horrible! Sandra og Johan fortalte at alle unge svenske mænd er besat af brød og pain de martin :)
▶ Lisen: i like that - a philosophic nose!
▶ WEEKDAYCARNIVAL: bread is a very though thing to master! it takes a lot of practice
▶ Schorlemädchen: im sort of addicted to pizza... its not all good
▶ Anna: Mr Frosty is from the danish brand Lucky boy sunday - they do amazing stuff!
▶ Irene: Thank you so much -the oven is here and i talked to some sweet people in school
▶ Anna: Thank you! I will tell my dad - he painted it!
▶ Sara, Epe, Tarta: :)
▶ Kerry: a weeks worth of pizza... that sounds SO good!
▶ sopchan: She actually just lost her strength and put her head down :) but she does play peek a boo and its really really sweet
▶ Stephanie renee: It can be really good to get back!
▶ And A: i made a pizza guide:
▶ Nathan: I really try to just go up and talk to people who look interesting, but its very intimidating
sharing your blog with new people depends on the people you meet....but I think i would keep it a internet secret.
like charlotte said - it depends on the people i meet. not everyone knows exactly what a blog is, and i often don't feel like explaining :-) but other than that i don't keep it a secret. it is nice to get comments in real life once in a while from people who read my blog!
very good question. I´m as torn as you are. my blog isn´t that personal, rather focussed. but I experienced that I get reduced to these topics and therefor I normally wait some time, before I mention it. so: it depends...
sometimes. many people I meet are simply not interested in blogging. for me, it works better the other way round: introducing bloggers to my outside the blog me:)
my blog is just minimum personal. if people ask me what i'm doing and they are really interested in - i explain the concept of the shop & tell them to have a look at the blog.
but for most of the people i meet in real life blogging is from outa space ;)and - that's great!
I usually keep it a secret! Even to my closest friends, till they find out on their own. I'm shy, that way I guess.
I love the second photo so much, I wish I was the one sitting at that table.
good question, I'm always a bit shy about it because I don't want anyone to think i'm an internet nerd!
ooo is the top photo part of a project you are creating??
for me, i mostly keep it a secret & let people find it on their own. it seems more exciting that way : )
Interesting question. I mostly keep it a secret actually. I'm too shy somehow. Even some of my friends don't know about the blog (as far as I know, haha). Weird isn't it??
i always feel strange when people i know tell me they read my blog or comment on somthing i've posted recently, i know its strange but i never expect them to look at it and i never really know what to say afterwards. people who are aware of blogging always seem to react so postivly and are really interested however for those who don't really understand or have experience of blogging they always go "okay ... ermmmmm ... that's interesting ... why?" but at the end you blog, you enjoy it so if it comes up in conversation you should talk about it and be proud of what you've achieved!
Im so glad to read all these comments about other people being too shy to talk about their blog in the 'real world' - i thought i was the only one!
When I started blogging I just told it two friends..I don't know why but I wanted it to be sort of my project...I also didn't want it to be a medium of communication between me and my friends that they look at my blog and know what I am doing...well, they do than but just maybe an hour of a whole day or even week...
but to your question..if I meet someone it always depends..I actually have never told someone right away that I write a blog..but maybe some time later after meeting several times and it came up at some point..
sometimes I tell if there's a reason to tell:) you know what I mean, if they ask if I have a homepage or so..then I tell about my blog which is more like a "picture"diary for myself and not at all so much about my work. most of my friends knows about it though at this point.
a few months ago a girl stopped me and said she loves my blog..! that was so great to hear, from somebody I didn't know at all. :)
I keep it a secret. But then my husband blow my cover. Why does your morning coffee always look so much better than mine?
If it comes up in conversation why not, but I don't think I'd bring it up out of nowhere.
Thinking about you 'cause tonight i'm trying my first "homemadepizza" thanks to you. Hope it will look as good as on your pics :)
For your blog, just do it like you feel it, it is cool so poeple are just gonna like it :)
I was thinking about it few days ago. Blogworld made relationship weird. It's like " you don't know me but I know you". I'm reading your blog silently for more than a year, sometimes start to think of you as acquaintance, even if you have no idea who I am..
Recently started a blog of my own. And I'm struggling should I show it to "real people" or "blog friends who doesn't know me yet".
I keep mine more or less internet-exclusive. I don't talk about blogs with people.
Hey, you, are your glasses Duralex!? I've always loved looking at your coffee in that glass.
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