I tried to take portrait of Rufus but he wouldn't stand still. I will try again when the light comes back
▶ everyone -date-virgins and date-lovers alike (love your comment Whitney!): Try wrapping a piece of bacon around a little sprig of fresh thyme and a date and baking them in the oven and serving them for brunch! yuuummmy! well, you know, everything wrapped in bacon really.. For all the vegetarians: there should be an accepted form of vegetarianism where your are allowed to eat bacon.
Fantastiske øjne, Rufus har!
Men så sjovt, at hunde ofte ser såååå lidende ud, som om de skal dø, hvis man prøver på at fotografere dem. Nu har min niece fået samme tendens: Hun kan sidde og grine nok så fornøjet, men så snart jeg hiver kameraet frem, så bliver hendes øjne store og mørke og blikket uudgrundeligt! Skørt.
Din blogg är så cool! Snygga bilder på hunden, även om den inte ville stå still!
den undre bilden/blicken är ju underbara!!
Your dog's expression is cracking me up and there really should be a form of vegetarianism where bacon is allowed.
Hej hej,
kan du fortælle mig hvilket kamera du har?
rufus is very cute :)
Aw, Rufus has such an adorable face. Our IG, Cleo is also very difficult to get pictures of - she's a bit shy in front of the camera!
Mm, det lyder lækker med dadler i ovn. Det har jeg aldrig prøvet. Rufus er så sød!
rufus is a hot!
and my boyfriend just got yesterday evening from a dinner with friends where they had as appetizer dates with pancetta.he thinks he ate forty of them.
Love those peepers...
The same thing happens whenever I try to take a photo of my cats Omar and Olive (that is, when they are awake and not snoozing).
Sounds yummy! my vegetarian partner gave me a t-shirt that says "bacon is a vegetable" on it, so it must be true;) Bacon is the only meat I can't live without..
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