Im very bad at following recipes but i did take some cues from our swedish baking friend when baking this bread: I added a grated apple and i used his folding technique. It turned out quite good - and really really good when eaten with tomatoes + mayo + salt + pepper
▶ Everyone: thank you for the comments these past days!
▶ samimi-extremie: The photos are put up with tape and it sometimes ruins the pictures if you are not careful when taking them down and it sometimes leaves marks on the wall, but nothing too bad :)
Mums! Det ser godt ud :)
You made it! It looks sooo good! Now I have to try it too:)
Looks delish...well done! Not heard of adding grated apple before...will try!
Det ser også lœkkert ud.
Jeg bagte et speltbrød igår, men er dog ikke helt tilfreds med det, måske man skulle prøve denne røre/folde teknik nœste gang;-)
Mmmm det smagte fantastisk.... Tak for viiiiildt god weekend.... og tak for hjælpen, i er seje:) glæder mig til vi ses igen. Knuser fra faster-søster B
wow, looks great! we've been baking bread at home too, and the first loaves were really ugly and dense and sometimes too sour. but then it gets better and better...such a satisfaction to eat your own bread!!
Mmm looks good! Does the grated apple add a lot of flavor?
looks fantastic! i should bake bread more often... it always tastes so good (but it's a lot of work...).
With a little grated apple, you say. I will have to try that.
well done mrs! :D do you know martin? i did not know he has a new book out in stores. thats great, cuz my man has his b-day comin up... :) thanks for the tip!... the bread you made looks ... wonderful.
I think I made the same bread last weekend! :)
thanks for your reply! :)
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