The stripy fella in the background came home with us when we visited Sandra and Johan in Göteborg. He likes to hang out in the kitchen. Sandra has a new blog. We are moving our stuff around. I won this giveaway from danish illustrator Lisa Grue a while back but seem to have lost the beautiful print!! i simply cannot find it!! What to do? Move more stuff around - maybe then i will find it behind a bookcase or in Rufus cave perhaps! (i want one of Lisa's plates and Johan's sailors for my birthday!)
▶ Liv: Thank you so much for the sweet comment - i will look up that book once if finish these two :9
▶ Ohh happy: uhh er mynte nem? det kunne være jeg skulle prøve det. Jeg har ind til videre kun kunne holde sukkulenter i live -dem må man nemlig gerne glemme at vande
▶ kadhysign: how sweet
▶ Sofie: I have seen something like that -and also a variant where you tangle out the actual roots and put them in the water. Maybe special equipment is required
▶ Young: Sejt! Det kan du godt være stolt af! Mine har levet i over en uge og jeg er meget meget stolt
▶ Karen: Jeg er totalt multitask-skadet -og P1 er perfekt at multitaske til!! hmm. min hjerne ville sikkert have godt af hvis jeg slukkede for radioen og koncentrerede mig om een ting i stilhed
▶ milk tooth's rain: Thank you for the tips! they have been alive for over a week now! thats a new record for me!
▶ Fine Little Day: I know - i want a cake again!
▶ Nathan: That is the best and very obvious advice given! Do you think the plants like talkradio?
▶ mieke willems: Im with you! cake is good but Elinor is better
▶ Whitney: i need to pick one too! but crime and punishment is such a big book so i can't take it with me everywhere.. i can feel that im ruining it by taking so long breaks. i will just have to pull myself together!
ohh, i think i'm spotting the €5 IKEA table trestle ? :) excellent table supporting system!
hope you find the print! it looked beautiful
ej!! Lisa's tallerkner! vild med dem.. tror jeg vil i en genbrugs og kigge efter en tallerken med huller :-)
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