I have adored Miller Goodman's wooden blocks for quite some time now but find them a little too expensive - so i sprung for the IKEA version instead. They might not be as charming, but on the other hand i won't get bad nerves when Elinor (or Rufus...) chews on them and throw them around
▶ Louise: i can add one more to the collection by simply drawing a watch on my wrist! perfect
▶ Vero: Thank you for the tips! I knew Desire to inspire all ready but not Style Files!
▶ Caterina: Jep, den er ret god! har lige slugt alle deres sneak peaks!
▶ Tiffanny: I know -i love it allready!
▶ Mala: Thank you
▶ La Sale Bete: Oh thank you so much for tip! Very inspiring and have actually thought of just building a little tree hut around her crib! love seeing how people make small spaces work!
▶ Angie: sometimes you don't find the best inspiration on actual interior design blogs -they can sometimes be too neat! so thank you for the tip!
Du har ret, de er ikke helt ligeså charmerende men stadig rigtig fine.
Jeg så godt ikea træblokkene sidste gang jeg var der, og jeg var lige ved at købe dem -til mig selv :-)
my children love playing with these IKEA blocks, a great buy!
wowzi wow wow!
Hi! Do you have Lagerhaus in Copenhagen? If so I found this kick ass nice duvet cover today, on sale
thought you might like iit
xx Ninja
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