a long time ago i had the idea to start a blog about my part of town: Amager. It is a some what different and overlooked part of Copenhagen and i really love living here. So I recruited my good friend Louise. And we made a blog. Amager am see. But we sort of never found time to blog about Amager! Until we decided that it was too good an idea to let die. And so we recruited other bloggers from Amager like Katrine, Emily and Kia and now Amager am see is finally alive and well. Its in danish though -but you could visit it anyway and if you live on Amager or just love Amager you could join in and become a writer for the blog! just email us!
▶ Emma: i know! since i saw the magpie i have heard it many times and its always very loud! would really be fun to understand it!
▶ Pop Life: :)
▶ Gracia: oh i don't know that one, but this magpie was soo bold!
▶ Alone: Det er helt helt i orden sålænge der er links! tak for din søde kommentar!
▶ Sammy Rose: hvad er det med skader og katte?? jeg skulle tro at katten ville spise fuglen, men det virker til at fuglen vinder!?
▶ Maria: I thought he would eat it too! but no! and i have since observed them going at it from my window again. always the magpie being loud and jumping at William
oh, how sweet. even if ive never been there (i think), its fun, this idea. interesting to hear how it came alive since you decided that it should die? :) good luck now, with this great project.go amager, go!
that heart shaped red thing is so nomnomnom and i think it is a wine which is also nomnomnom =)
and your computer looks cool reminded me battlestar galactica patches.
amager verkar fint! jag ska plugga i Köpenhamn till hösten (fast egentligen i Lyngby) och försöker hitta bolig. har du några tips? på vad som helst, jag delar gärna lägenhet med någon också. tips skulle hursomhelst vara väldigt uppskattat!
tack för dagliga dosen av inspiration!
Amageramsee er den sejeste blog! Næstefter din naturligvis!
it looks like a peaceful yet not boring place to live,i envy you a bit :)
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