a sweet morning tapas plate with blueberry pie and pear (and chocolate -yes i am an addict and yes i am okay with it ...) and another cool cover from D's record scoop. Im thinking alot about blogging these days. Both because im writing an assignment on the subject and because i want to create more content for this blog instead of just documenting ..i think.. What do you think are the most important elements when creating a good blog?
▶ Hannnna: exactly! light blue is such good with red hair!
▶ Sandra: Both grandpas took a nap on our couch during their visits :) i like that!
▶ Lisen: A baby does that: it brings family together (im still sad about your latest blogpost -it feels like loosing a penpal :) )
▶ Morina: Thank you for the sweet comment
▶ Maria: Those tomatoes were fresh, big cherrytomatoes sliced up and drizzled with olive oil and salt (it really don't like that word: drizzled!)
▶ Sarah: Han kan krølle sig sammen som en kringle! det var faktisk mit første forslag da vi skulle navngive ham: Kringle! verdens længste og samtidig verdens mindste hund!
▶ Alona Vibe: Tak skal du have for den søde kommentar! jeg må se om jeg ikke kan tage lidt billeder af fotobogen :)
▶ Linn: lots of < 3 ▶ Epe: Peeeeerfection ▶ Kiwitz: It has its ups and downs as every other life, but a blog is good for remembring allll the good stuff! ▶ PaulaQ: i know what you mean -every time i have to put away some of Elinors great clothes!
▶ §§: Så må i hellere straks komme her ud og spise!!
▶ vidademonstruo: hi hi -thank you for the sweet comment -i had to google translate it though
▶ Anonymous: Thank you -who ever is behind these sweet words
Maybe you could do like a weekly column--a post once a week on a single (but reasonably broad) theme...
Uh, dén opgave ville jeg gerne læse. Jeg tænker også tit over blogging som fænomen og synes det er super spændende og fascinerende, hvad der driver både bloggere og bloglæsere. For mit eget vedkommende er det faktisk nok især det visuelle, der tiltrækker mig som bloglæser. Det, som du kalder dokumentation, tror jeg. Jeg er glad for inspirationen fra de visuelle indtryk, man får ved at se fotos fra folks hverdag. Men måske også netop indsigten i andres hverdag, vaner og perspektiver. Men det lyder også spændende med dit ønske om mere indhold - hvad tænker du på her? Mere debat og diskussion? Mere holdning og menings-ytring? Eller?
Oh dear sweet Mette & Dennis, I'll be with you, I'll be following this blog like before. My favo! So unfair of me to dont give back anymore but I must have a kind of break. Maybe something new, later, in swedish then, and I'm glad you're with me in swedish! Photos of Stina - you can see them on FB! Promise ;) Right now she's pushing my leg cause she want some chicken and potato salad...and well, I'll give her some..from you ;)
....what happend to my not finished comment?? Sometimes the technique is not my friend! So what I tried to tell you is that I really, really love the style of your blog! And please do still show your wonderful photographs even though you are creating a "new" blog!!!
Best wishes fom Germany.
i love your blog just how it is. it is one of my all-time favorites! i'm sure i will like whatever you choose to do with it. :)
your blueberry pie looks amazing - do you have a recipe you could share with me? i've been in the mood for pie!
I think there are lots of different kinds of blog but if it is a blog for fun (not as a job) then the most important elements are to be unique (not try to be the same as someone) and not worry too much :)
Hvad med mere opskrifts-sharing? Der er en del
læsere, der gerne vil deles med, lyder det til! Plus det er en stor del af din hverdag - jeg glemmer altid pizzadejen, så hvis den var her, ville jeg aldrig glemme den igen! I øvrigt enig med Katrine; det visuelle er stor tiltrækningsfaktor for mig - især når det er noget, der kan berige mit eget liv. Fx mad, man kan forsøge sig med, nye kombinationer og inspiration.
i mostly enjoy reading personal blogs. like yours as it is now! with bits of everyday life, lots of pictures and less written content.
i don't really like tumblr blogs for example where people just show piles of other people's stuff.
but your blog is gonna be cool, anyway! :)
Jeg liker din blogg veldig godt sånn som den er nå. jeg elsker å se dine (utrolig fine) bilder fra hverdagen, og bare kunne leve seg litt inn i, og hente inspirasjon fra noen andre. Uansett hva slags planer du har, så er det sikkert spennende... Men jeg synes det er veldig spennende nå også :) Jeg føler jeg får mulighet til å være litt i københavn nesten hver dag, og det er noe som passer meg veldig bra! Lykke til med fortsettelsen!
jag kan ikke engelska så jag hoppas att du förstår danssvenske:) din blog er alldeles underbar og jag elsker allt, allt du lägger in. speciellt dina tapastallrikar och matbilder. alldeles alldeles underbart!!
Hmm good question. I think being genuine is the most important thing. Not trying to copy any other blogger or photographer... Just being your original self.
Your breakfast looks delicious!
you got the answer in you. i just read the today's blogpost and you are so damn right about what you're saying. hey, i am VERY curios 'bout your report abour this topic..blogs. :) good luck with it!! interesting!
me and a friend have a lots of discussions about STATUS-RADER (whats that in english/danish?) . it's fascinating. . .
I really love your blog the way it is, so personal and full of life and colour. Though of course it is your blog and I'm happy to see whatever you do with it! Just keep blogging! :)
unbelieveable! i had this looong comment done and something went wrong... we all know what happened next:) just to add my thoughts on blogging - one of my latest issues. yes, it is about doing it for oneself and also focusing on being which sometimes seems a contradiction (here and now vs documenting etc). i simply stop reading blogs that are themed as they seem too narrow. love lifestyle blogs though and learn a lot from them all, mainly different thinking:) what i've found annoying lately is more and more consumption on blogs. it may be one's way of documenting life but if a blogger repeatedly shows me what they bought and how many coffees they had... i don't really care and stop reading. it's all about doing, reflecting, creating (anything - from cooking to style of writing) - like you say. that's inspiring and worth following for me. so no wonder i'll stay tuned in:) but won't talk as much:)
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