Today Elinor is four months old.
▶ Emily: De er de billigste fra Kvickly på Englandsvej :)
▶ Linn + Erin + Ida: I know, i know.. my computer has been broken twice, but never because of a beverage accident... -to erin: the albums are actually from a local supermarket and i did think about buying some more for the future..
▶ Lisen: I did not do a good job as i forgot some pictures that now won't be in chronological order :)
▶ Lina: So many good laughs on that site!
▶ Out little love nest: oh, thank you so much!
▶ Vanessa: he did an amazing job! he is genuinely a really good actor
▶ Young: Ja, lige præcis! hvor sjovt!
▶ Sopchan: it is one of the best movies i have seen in a long long time
▶ Brit: Do go see it! happy first month of spring!
▶ Emma: i was really happy i went! go see moon!
I like her attitude in these photos! hihi!! Cool baby! :D
Congratulations Elinor!
Tillyke søde Elinor:) Stort kram og nuser fra Faster
Nåhr, en lille baby-Sex Pistol.
same (good one) haircut as her father
Årh, når jeg bliver stor skal jeg have et ligeså sødt barn (med et ligeså fint navn). Tillykke!
adorable!! can i steal her please? hehe
GRATTIS E! Och grattis E:s mamma och pappa! :D What a cool tiny person. One can see she's getting older and urbane. ;)
happy 4 little E! she's one cool lady :)
oh god she's sooo cool!
She looks like a cheeky little girl. Wait until she can move around. Happy 4th.
almost too cute (and cool street cred wise) to bear! happy 4 months little one.
Snart begynder hun at kaste håndtegn. Mutti
Awww so so cute! My grandmother caught a glimpse of the first picture and just thought your daughter was one of the cutest baby girls!
nu savner jeg. elinor. tillykke. §§§
she is a lovely and little queen!
Hun er en skikkelig kul kid! Barn med rødt hår er fantastiske. Menn også. Både min mann og jente er rødhårede så vi er heldige:)
she's so red hair!beautiful.
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