when you are a little kid like E, you have to train your back muscles by lying on your stomach every day. This is clearly not Elinor's favourite disciplines... oh, that little sad mouth... Copenhagen has been hit by a ton of snow. I woke up early this morning and just stayed in bed watching the snow out the window. Snow has such a beautiful way of falling compared to rain. I can't make up my mind whether im sick of snow or liking it -and i guess it does not really matter what i think anyway.
▶ Flo's diner: ha ha, sejt!! chipsne af kartoffel blev helt klart bedst. Tror man skal lave dem hver for sig.
▶ Lisen: i know! it takes up half our living room, but i don't mind. We do take it down some times though :) (ja, jeg læser allerede højt fra dine bøger for lille E)
▶ Spin: hmm im not sure i think its worth the work.. they were delicious though
▶ Melissa: YEs it was such a pretty sight -with the beet root colouring everything pink! I sometimes look at pictures from elinor was just born and i am amazed at what three months can do!
▶ Jenny: Oh you must have so much snow in ystad! Bornholm is totally closed down - they can't even clear the roads because of the wind and snow!
▶ Sweet fine day: i really should go out with my camera in the snow we have got now, but its so cozy staying in..
i can imagine how frustrating it must be when even lifting your head is some kind of exercise and so exhausting! what a cute face...
go elinor, go elinor! jeg kan godt forestille mig, at det med at ligge på maven må være lidt surt engang i mellem. : )
jeg er i samme dilemma mht. sneen - det er så flot...men nu er det også snart nok! god søndag naboer
I really love your blog. It reminds me that all these little things in everyday life are so important. Greetings from snowy Poland :)
Oh, and I can't decide if I should jiggle or cry when I see that little sad mouth, so cute!! Aaawh! HAng in there E!
I'm tired of snow, that's for sure. It's toooo cold and tooooo much snow here now, even Stina thinks its too much snow, she's dissapearing and don't know where to poo. haha..
I'm very flattered to hear 'bout the books...! :)))
the snow just gives a shit about us, hating it. or loving it. i'm having such ambivalent feelings ... its beautiful but.. its too cold. i miss jogging and long walks. now its just... freezing.
but its..beautiful. oh darn..!
her little pout looks soooo cute!!!
I am so in love with that quilt! lucky little girl!
pretty quilt!
;-)I know this face so good! my little boy HATE to train his back muscles, so his back head is a little bit flat ... ;-)
just wanted to say what a great treat it is to read your blog. LUVVIT.
have a great week!
She is soo adorable. Helt otroligt söt.
Go Elinor! I love how you dress her.
Hvor er hun bare blevet dygtigt:) glæder mig bare SÅ meget til at besøge hende og jer;) snart, jubiii. Knus fra Faster B.
ooH cutie cute!! it snowed a lot here yesterday too,,buu I'm getting so tired of snow and coldness.
wow those beetroots look fantastic, think I have to try them..and Elinors swing too;)) great idea.
How very gorgeous E is. Watching the snow fall sounds like fun to me. xo lj
hej igen! I just read your comment back on the 1600th cent. painting and I don't remember who made it but I think it was by Jan van Goyen or Pieter Brueghel.
Åh den fineste lille sure sure mund. Hun er simpelthen så fiin. Og det samme med tæppet.
Hvad måler trekanterne? (Kunne du ikke lave en diy guide:-) Dine kreative evner er simpelthen fantastiske.
absolutely cute!
super-søt bebi og fiiint teppe:)
Ohhh how lucky to have such a stellar quilt to rest ones head- (Elinor is really beautiful- I think my son Claude is around her age.)
Oh she's growing so fast :))
i got here from 'stitched in color' and just have to say that your triangle quilt is *amazing*. i love everything about it. your fabric choice was perfection, too!
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