beetroot-juice and sunshine on the cemetery. Today everything is plain grey, good thing there is always something beautiful to look at on line. I don't have as much time for discovering new things anymore and I feel like i need something fresh. Luckily i have all of your blogs and all of your links, so i just need time. Here is what i put in the juice: three apples, ginger, six carrots and two big beetroots! Happy sunday!
▶ Marybell Katastrophy: ja, hvis ikke det var Elinor på billederne var det FOR sødt.
▶ Danica, Alice, Leen, Alice, Marie, Linn, Maria, Luna, Jokemijn, Mieke Willems, Lykke, Maria in the clouds, Stefanie, that kate, : Elinor and the mushroom says thanks!
▶ Mutti: hi hi, jeg kan godt lide at tænke på, hvor meget du grinte af de billeder
▶ Søhesten: Ja, den er så blød, at jeg ville ønske jeg kunne tage en lur på den! og jo, det er helt rigtigt: Lea og jeg er så meget naboer man kan blive. Hun bor til venstre og jeg til højre :)
▶ Flo's Diner: Jeg kan godt lide at sødhed giver god nattesøvn!
▶ Katrine: Svampen er en taburet! meget genialt!
▶ Celine: Ha ha ha -that is sooo great! i love when you laugh in weird places -like reading a funny book on the bus and laughing out loud!
▶ Lisen: Ha ha, how clever would it be with a baby cushion where you could stick babies like you would needles in a pin cushion??
▶ Ellen: åhh, tak skal du have for din søde kommentar!
▶ Petr: February is right around the corner and Anne-Clair Petit makes many many great things for little girls! i love her dachshund as well! (wish i was going to berlin too....)
▶ Lina: Yes, and to think we almost bought something totally boring like clothes she doesn't really need and then luckily we saw the giant mushroom and fell in love!
▶ Ai: ha ha, i might start a production of grown-up sized baby clothes! it could be a whole new market!
▶ Ella: I know, vi gik lidt for langt.. tænker at billederne fra kirkegården kan suge op noget af the cuteness!
▶ Saga: I didn't want to say, but the mushroom does cast a spell on you so you can't stop looking, or maybe its elinor..
▶ Roxanne og Ditte, Emma: Lets write Anne-Clair Petit and ask her to make a g i a n t version for grown-ups!
▶ Jana: you are so right!
▶ milk tooth's rain: How exiting! good luck!
▶ K: Its a girl we found out, and she is called BiBi
Min veninde og jeg så dig og D til The xx i fredags. Vi var lige ved at gå hen og hilse, som var vi gamle venner - men det er kun os der kender jer, og ikke omvendt.
Fagre Nye Verden.
Your juice sounds delicious!
I love your photos of the trees, I could almost reach out my hand and touch them...
Jag bakade illrosa rödbetsbröd häromdagen, mmm!
Oh thank u for sharing these pictures. They are really incredible and amazing
herreGUD vilken snygg blogg :o bra jobbat verkligen!
Ja! Vi genkendte jer! Vi forholdt os heldigvis ganske roligt, men I så både søde og fine ud som I stod der i mørket.
Det er i virkeligheden en ganske mærkelig sætning: "Se, der står Ungtblod" - nogen ville måske påstå at Vega var pakket med ungt blod.
Håber i nød det!
De var meget søde! De virkede næsten lidt generte... Vi havde lidt svært ved ikke at fnise lidt over den unge herre på bas. Der var lidt hitler-jugend møder 90'er popidol over ham - meget intens bassist!
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