Y E S! today on the most common of January days my sweet blog turns 2 years old!
In just the past year 32.187 people from 119 countries has visited this blog 125.409 times! How cool is that?? I find those numbers very mind blowing and feel so happy, blessed, inspired and lucky lucky lucky to have this space on the world wide web!
T H A N K Y O U! -for being such a big part of it!
To celebrate lets do a give away! Enter the give away by leaving a comment on this post before Tuesday the 19th at 12 noon CET! Tuesday i will announce the winner AND the prize!
Hi, i´m Connie from Argentina. i sent you an email the other day. i was wondering if you have read it? i am waiting for your answer.
congratulation for the aniversary!!
Jeg elsker denne blog, den er fantastisk, jeg får en masse dejlige opskrifter, gode ideer og dejlige billeder af de mennesker jeg holder fantastisk meget af:)Tillykke og stort huurraa til ungtblod:)og til dig søde Mette:)
Fabulous blog! Me and Ungtblod have a love/hate relationship - love the blog, love everything about the flat - hate that none of it is mine... :)
Hurra hurra hurra!!!
This is one of my favourite-blogs!! Så avspänd och färgglad, färgskalan makes me feel good! + UNGTBLOD = snyggt!
Happy blogbirthday! I hope you'll continue to blog for many years to come!
χρονια πολλα
happy anniversary
from greece
Heee:: Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! (<< this was german!!) this is also one of my favourite-blogs and i have read every post for sure!!i hope for a lot of following years!! happy birthday!!!
i love the way you have designed the number 2 with all your photos ;-)
Congratulations on your blog's anniversary!! I love your blog!
(sunnysblog (at) gmail (dot) com)
Congratulations, I'm happy I just got to know your blog yesterday! Because I really like your posts :)
Tilløøkke Mette. Du kører en fantastisk blog har en en svag ide om du også er ret fantastisk i virkeligheden.
: )
hoooooooooray !
grattis, onnea!
i read a lot of blogs, but this one is by far the most inspiring one! keep on bloging!
yay! on to another two years!
happy anniversary..for you and your sweet blog...
it is always such a pleasure to browse by...
Så mega meget tillykke! Jeg er glad for vores blog-veje mødtes :)
Glæder mig til at følge udviklingen i dit liv!
happy 2 to you mette! love your blog, the super fun design and all the fun handmade projects :)
Tillykke! :)
tillykke med bloggens 2 års fødselsdag, jeg nyder virkelig at følge med :D
119 countries, wow!
Congratulations on your 2 years, keep the posts coming :-)
happy blog birthday! I love coming here for your unique style, great photos, and - of course- your adorable baby girl:)
Congratulations on the two years! : )
May there be many years to follow! :)
Pleasure having stumbled accross your blog a few montsh ago. It's wonderful to look at.
Congratulations on the aniversary from Romania as well!
min evige yndlings blog!!
bliver så inspireret af hvert eneste indlæg!
tusind tak for det, fortsæt i den retning og tillykke!
Yey! Congrats on the blog-birthday, Mette. :)
Yours is one of my favourite blogs. You have such good energy here!
T I L L Y K K E...
Ungtblod er det der skal til...
Stort tillykke!
Det her er min aller-yndlingsblog.
På en eller anden måde er jeg overrasket over, at der "kun" har været 125.409 besøg - for jeg kan på grå dage kigge forbi op til flere gange.
Knus Ida
happy blog anniversary.
thank you for sharing your wonderful photos and charming life with us. i feel like i have made a new internet pen pal.
all the best.
Til lykke med bloggdagen! Love the blog, the pictures, ideas and inspiration. Keep up the good work :)
Tillykke :D Elsker at følge med her bloggen Den er så fed :))
Det er en stund siden jeg fant bloggen din helt tilfeldig, men jeg tar meg selv i å titte innom til stadighet, så en super blogg er det jo. Og jeg smeltet ganske mye da jeg så hodeskallen og totemskapet. Gratulerer med bloggfødselsdagen.
Tillykke med bloggen :)
Jeg er meget glad for at læse med, og se dine kreative sysler og følge Elinors udvikling.
HURRA'ER fra Karla
HURRA METTE!! wow thats supercool, a lot of visitors! I also wanna know how many visits my blog..dont know how so I have to find out!
well, keep on doing the good thing, länge leve ungtblod!!! :)
Happy blogbirthday! I think your blog is very cool :)
Congrats from Spain! It's wonderful when a blog like this is two years old.
I've found here so much inspiration, good pics, original ideas... This is a singular blog in the blogsphere when everyone can talk about everything and everywhere.
I'm so happy to have find it.
Congrats again and, the most important, thank you for share this special part of your life with us.
your photography is amazing! keeps me coming back. congrats on 2 years! ;)
Congrats to your second anniversairy. I've been following your lovely blog since November 2009.
Best wishes from Bonn, Germany
happy happy birthday little blog!
you are really inspiring and you actually make me want to have mettes life (cheesy but true) :)
greetings from hamburg
tillykke, tillykke! det er en fornøjelse at følge med fra den anden side af gangen : )
what an old blog
yay! congrats, here's to many more years! your blog is just lovely and earns all its success :)
Happy blogiversary! I like it here.
Kate :-)
happy anniversary! i am loving your blog even more with your sweet addition- I have one on the way too:)
fingers and toes crossed.
x ashley
Love your blog and your flat and all of the lovely things in your home, thanks for sharing with us!
xx Lou
oh my goodness!! those numbers are incredible!! happy blog birthday mette! woo hoo for two!
Wooooot! Happy anniversary! I'm so happy you've made this space on the web so triangle-y and spangly for TWO YEARS. Woop woop.
I want a prize!!!!
Also, nice shoe totem.
Wish you all the best for the blogyear to come.
very nice.
congratulations mette! your blog is really cool! :)
Happy blog'birthday ! Joyeux blog'anniversaire ! Love the pictures, news of Little E. and Rufus... and your lovely appartement ! Thank you !
Tillykke on your 2nd anniversary! (Did i get that right??)
Here's to another, and perhaps, many more bloggin years to come ;)
Cheers Mette!
Tillykke - jeg kan stolt sige at jeg trofast har fulgt den i over halvdelen af den tid du har haft den! Jeg har nok haft i baghovedet at jeg lige nu var den eneste der var inde og læse din blog - men jeg kan se på dine imponerende tal, at det vidst ikke helt kan passe! Held og lykke med de næste og 20 år :) Din blog er unik, og jeg bliver ved med at følge den!
Hej Mette - tillykke med de 2 år og alle dine besøgende!
Ungtblod er også en af mine favorit Blogs ;o)
Super inspirerende...
everyone 's in for a giveaway. Congratulations!
hipp hipp hurra för ungt blod!
jag ser fram emot ett tredje år!
Jag brukar alltid komma hit och titta i din fina blogg när jag känner mig lite nere. Dina bilder piggar ALLTID upp. Tack! :)
Grattis grattis!
Hooray! To many more years of blogging!
happy birthday ungtlod !!
I'm a french girl living in vancouver, and I wanna say THANK YOU for all the shapes and colors, we need a lot of those !
Well, I am one of them. I've only recently discovered your blog, but keep visiting. As a mom of two red headed girls (one of them as tiny as your sweet little girl) i feel a special bond ;)
Woohoo! Happy 2!
:: GRATTIS // ♥-lichen Glückwunsch!! // H.I.P.P.. H.I.P.P.. H.U.R.R.A ::
It's was my birthday yesterday, too!! I love your sweet blog, love following your charming life, getting prepared to have a baby-girl in one week, too.
All the very best from Berlin & get in touch if you are in town next time!!
// o.
Woef woef woef from snowy Belgium
and an apple breath lick to Rufus
Mr.George the boxer
happy birthday dear blog!
i first heard this rhyme last year and adore it, apparently it was very popular when my boyfriend was a kid so it should work well for a a two year old blog:
happy birthday to you
you live in a zoo
you look like a monkey
and smell like one too!!!!!
lots of love,
Congratulations! only two years and that many visitors!! Because you have the coolest taste in everything, I'm defenitly in for the giveaway!! :-))
x Leen
Hello Mette, I am from Italy. I have been following your blog for more than one year now and I am so happy to stay virtually in your company. Congratulations!!
congratulations to you !
we wish you a very very very good third year !
gr. from veronik + mieke
happy blog birthday!
Grattis till dina 2 år! Det ska bli spännande att föja dig i fortsättningen :D
Hvor er det vildt, at så mange mennesker fra så mange lande (kender jeg overhovedet 119 lande??) har læst med her. Det er da for fedt! Og jeg kan godt forstå dem, for hvor er ungt blod et fantastisk sted, og hvor er der sket nogle fantastiske ting her på det sidste :) Tillykke med de 2 år!
Congrats on 2 years, I really enjoy your blog! It's my daily dose of de-stress(ing)!
Whowhowho !
Happy 2 to your beautiful blog!
wow, 2 år redan? grattis!!! ser fram emot minst 2 till!! :)
Tillykke med de to år her på bloggen (:
Jeg har kun fulgt dig i et halvt år, men det har simpelthe så positivt (:
Endnu engang tillykke.
- Nanna P.
måske kan man vinde en dåse tomater
I just found your blog a week or two ago via "sweet fine day" and I've been instantly HOOKED! Not only do you have a relatable writing style, I adore your apartment photos and feel a funny little kinship to you since a)I also live in Scandinavia (west coast Norway) and b)will soon have my own little babe in the house any day now. No dog, unfortunatly.
Congrats on your second year!
Takk for nå, Siri
tilykke fra abu dhabi!!
Gratuler med Dagen! Din blog for mig til at crave efter en vilder og mere funky boligindretning, mere kunst på væggene og ikke mindst efter nuttede babyer :)
This is an amazing blog, really.
grattishälsningar från sverige!
Grattis!! Hittade hit för ett tag sen via dosfamily och jag tycker din blogg är helt fantastisk!
Congratulations on your 2 years. I am so happy I found your blog. It's so beautiful.
Felicidades desde España!!!
I love your blog.
ohh congratulations,
up to the next two!
also, loving the totem pole below! : )
Desværre er jeg hverken fra Argentina eller Berlin, men dejlige Amager som dig selv. Jeg elsker den særlige stemning der er på din blog - den drømmeverden det ligner du lever i. Selvom mit indtryk nok er langt fra din egentlige virkelighed, sidder jeg alligevel her - 12 timer før en vigtig biologieksamen på randen til et sammenbrud - beroliget. Tillykke!
happy blog-versary!
thank you for the colour you bring from a distant land.. right into my lounge room.
Congratulations and I'm so happy to find your sweet blog. I love your photo.
congrats on your lovely blog's 2nd bday!
Congrats on your second year! I <3 your photos and your blog.
Happy New Year!
Mange gange tillykke :D
Congratulations lovely Mette! I am so happy to have found your amazing blog! I hope I can meet you in real life one day! eeeep!
Love Love
Hello Sando
owwww I wonder what your prize will be...something with a pretty triangle I hope!
Happy Birthday to your blog!
I love everything here especially the photos & awesome bloggers/sites you linked up!
Hope your blog ages alive!
- S'pore, paperbone
Også et stort tillykke med de to år herfra! Det er skønt, du har blogget så længe, og jeg håber du bliver ved. Ungtblog er klart en af mine favorit-blogs!
happy happy anniversary!!
Congratulations with 2nd year. And thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring blog. Both mr husband and me a fans, and whenever he is not sure whether its time for children, I show him pictures from your cute life, cool husband and beautiful little girl.. and now we are trying ;-)
Do never stop blogging, you are too inspiring. Show more diy projects, pictures. I can never get enough (sounding like a cheasy stalker here. ha!)
Anyway. Happy birthday.
xxx AnneK
i love your colourful blog! gigi
Congrats! We love the three of you more than 125.409 times.
Your blog always brightens up my day. I like the way you see the world, and clearly the world likes it too!
· { din blog er skøn og inspirende } ·
wow! 2 years, didnt realise that! still love your blog a lot! congrats!
Congratulations! I'm Anna from Canada. I just started blogging this summer, myself! I love your space and I just started poping by regularly. I'm making my way back through all your previous posts and I love having a little glimpse into your life (not in a creepy way though!)
+ best wishes for your future!
ua ua ua!
Wednesday I'll move to Berlin, so excited, I found a home in Neukölln and I am going to look for work etc etc
When Elinor will grow a little bit if you'll spend a few time in Berlin, just contact me, I'll be happy to meet you :D
best wishes
Wow - 2 years - congratulations! Hope I can get there too. Xxx
hey gorgeous women congradulations.
your blog ROCKS!!!!
kym Maxwell
La la hi prism
Tillykke, tillykke !
congratulations Mette! one of best oldest friends si called Mette, by the way. it's an uncommon name in finland. (hope i'm not too late!)
happy birthday blog :)
alles gute from germany!
congratulations! your blog is a constant source of inspiration, thank you!
hi hi! just discovered your blog and find it most inspiring... perfect for these dark & dreary winter days! congratulations on 2 years and keep up the good work!
...and more danish recipes please! :)
Happy birthday to your inspiring blog -those are incredible numbers!!
Thank-you for sharing your life with us, I love to visit & love how life in the blogosphere has made the world such a small place :)))
Elinor & Rufus are the sweetest!!
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