two moments from our grandparents-weekend. im trying to get in the christmas-spirit but its not going that well. I have promised myself to get the christmas-stuff from the attic t o d a y! otherwise it will be over before i get around to decorating. im home so much i shouldn't be a problem getting it done, but somehow i don't feel motivated...
▶ Everyone who has written sweet comments - THANK YOU! i love my readers!
▶ Leen: We are trying to mix up her clothes more -otherwise she will out-grow alot of the cute things before even trying them on :)
▶ Lina: I know -that counting poster is fun for all ages!
▶ Gracia: yes i love that snail mail means all these great and precious things you would not be able to translate into emails! can't wait until there are no more bills in the mail and only good stuff from good friends!
▶ Ines: Oh thank you so much for you comment and for the link! good stuff!
▶ Lisen: That guy in the cowboyhat is D being santa clause at christmas eve a couple of years ago. We always have a santa who brings the presents and he always has a new style: that year was Cowboy-Santa -others have been Sailor-Santa and Bicyclist-Santa! -and yes, time is a crazy thing! a moment ago i had 4 cookies -now there is only three and i think time ate it! The red shirt is from when i was a baby :)
▶ mothersvea: oh, wish you could go back in time -or maybe just return to mexico one day :)
▶ Maria: I will do it! the tattoo! just not when im breastfeeding... i think that might be stupid.. and yes! she really looks like a Nisse! i had not thought about that when i dressed her in red and grey -and the day before december too! hi hi
▶ Kiwitz: yay! i did not know that was what they were called -now i have googled it and found so many cool pictures! AND Elinor was born on Dia de Muertos! cool no?
▶ Anni: It would be cool to make paper-cutouts like these! but difficult.. always good with a challenge!
▶ sovende: Yeah -skeletons should be a all-year thing :)
▶ Veja cecilia: I know! i love it when she spots something colourful and is totally amazed by it!
▶ Pernille: Tak for den søde kommentar! cirkus er en rigtig god ting! og nogle gange føler jeg også lidt at jeg bor i et...
▶ Nath: Thank you for the sweet sweet comment! the first week we looked at her and at our one year old nephew and thought: how can see grow that much in one year?? now i can't believe how big she has gotten in one month! she will surely be that big in one year!
▶ Hannna: Thank you -and congratulations on your little boy! i have been following your beautiful pictures with little hints of him! precious! and that fox mask! wow!
▶ Tilda: Six weeks? wow they are close! congratulations on your little boy!
▶ Flora: I can't believe she is all ready two months! i remember thinking when you were pregnant that we would give birth almost at the same time, but now she is twice as old as Elinor! crazy!
▶ Sissimuk: Hun ligner sin far på en prik! Helt utroligt. Håber hun beholder sit røde hår!
▶ Søhesten: tak for din søde kommentar! Edith er det bedste navn! vi tænkte også på det og faktisk hedder Elinors oldemoder Edith! Jeg fandt også ud af at jeg er virkelig vild med pige navne med E! sjovt! Tiden flyver, men heldigvis har vi dem jo resten af vores liv!
she already looks so big in that first picture! and your place is really nice! :)
Me neither! Looks the same as usual at our place. I donät long for Xmas at all. No feeling. AT ALL.
Keep us updated, if you find the x-mas spirit, tell us.
this is one of the sweetest things ever
det er jo helt fantastiske billeder. kan hun selv holde hovede?. jeg er alvorligt bange for, at hun er ved at gro ud af hendes dåbsgave...gud jeg savner hende. uden at kende hende. §§§
it brings such a warm feeling to look at these photos :)
love the first picture!
haha it's quite similar with me and christmas decoration, exactly as you say.. but now i've bought candles at least :)
Adorable! Both photos. There is something especially charming to me about seeing photos of grandparents with their little loved ones in arms or near.
Yet to feel excited by Christmas too. December is way too busy for me.
Sweetie. 4 weeks... 1 moth already :)
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