

Elinor has allready taken to the bee, i made! Her name is Bibi -"bi" being the danish word for bee and Bibi being a danish nickname for women called Birgitte. It reminds me of the nineties and is sort of... tacky to me, which i like. Elinor and Bibi. We introduced the two at the hospital and i think Elinor likes having her on her stomach and sucking on her face, wings and tail :)

Everyone: Thanks for all your comments about our little panda-girl! Just when she was born, i thought her hair was brown like mine, but then it dried and we saw that it has the most amazing red colour like D's when he was a child! All in all she looks ALOT like her father, but suspect she will get my brown eyes!
Sofia: Tak for din kommentar! Uhh... hvad skal du lave i København.. lad mig tænke... Det er svært at sige noget bestemt -send mig en mail om hvor i København du skal bo, så kan jeg foreslå noget godt i området!


flo's diner said...

Haha, super navn til den lille bi! Og hvor er hun altså smuk, den pige. Igen tillykke med hende.

emma said...

lilla lilla lilla lilla näsan!!! vilken fin duo. bibi och elinor.

Anonymous said...

jeg vil snart se hende igen - savner jer alle 4. mutti

Lisen said...

Sooo sweet together!

Min mormor hette Birgit. Pappa kallade henne "Bibbi" eller "Biggan" ibland :) Its a funny name, yes!

nath said...

sweetness. her fingers are long, an artist in the making!

Mia said...

En bebis! Grattis & välkommen till världen.

Katrine said...

Selvfølgelig er hun en lille rød panda. Så fin, så fin.
Jeg føler forresten med dig mht. din computer, min er også gået i smadder og opfører sig vildt mærkeligt! ØV! :(
Hvad gør man??!?

Anonymous said...

Bibi also means "wife" or "woman" in swahili.

carrie said...

what a great sweeeeeeeeeet girl. i wish you all the best!
(and she really has got huge hands! :) )

yoli said...


april said...

welcome to the world little panda girl! and all the best for your superhero parents ;-) have a wonderful weekend dear mette!

emmi said...

Aaaw your baby is the cutest thing!

The blog is amazing, keep up the good work :)