3 x rufus. that is what you get today.
▶ Everyone: So cool how many of you wanted to do the 24-hour thing! it was actually much easier to get done than i thought -of course i am at home without big plans most days... after the baby comes you can get a 24-angels-of-the-baby-series :) hope you all take up the challenge and photograph your day!
Haha well I like it! :) Dogpictures seem to make me happy al the time...! Rufus is such a cutie!
SO cute and graceful!
puss puss puss! i want 24-rufus-pics every day! :) he's the prettiest. don't tell johan i said that. hope you're having a great day today mette.
beautiful dog you got there
Rufus-söt! Puss! He's just so sweet:)
Rufus - he's princely.
I would do a 24hr but I lost my camera at the station and no one's been kind enough to hand it in :'(
oh Mette, I failed miserably with my 24 shoot, I kept forgetting, and then I had to leave the house, and then I kept forgetting... so I got about 9 pictures out of the 24. but I'll try again, soon.
3 is the magic number. rufus is a magic whippet!
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