

the first thing i finished was a cover for my all purpose pregnancy/baby pillow. It has a million uses and now it has almost a million colours as well :) i used triangles in different sizes.

Stefanie: here is the first finished result! more to come!
Katrine Ny: Det var den også -tror speltmel er et hit
young: hi hi -undskyld den ekstra sult
Rynke: Thank you so much!
Anonymous I: Thank you so much! hope you like the result! in regards to the coffee I follow the guidelines of the Danish health authorities which is max three cups a day, and since i haven't been drinking coffee everyday since i got pregnant and i don't drink any other caffine, i think we (the baby and i) should be okay :)
Anonymous II: Tak for de søde ord -håber du kommer tilbage en anden gang. Jeg er ikke sikker på hvor D købte mit tæppe, men man kan i hvertfald få det her: Mit er det mindre af de to str. ellers er der vidst link på Vik Prjonsdottirs hjemmeside som jeg linker til i indlægget :)


mieke willems said...

wow so big! looks quite spectacular!! you did a great great job! it looks very special, and very you!

epe said...

it's so beautiful mette! really cute!

Katrine said...

Hvor er den sej! Den bliver du (og bebs) glade for!

lina said...

brilliant! looks great :o)

alice said...

It looks great!

e said...

I LUV IT! Its great great!

Unknown said...

great! good work

lisen said...

Mette! Wow!! its perfect!

Unknown said...

amazing! congrats for your great work!

Anonymous said...

Damn, you are good!

Miss Jeanett said...

Super vild blog du har - keep up the good work!!
