I have been thinking that maybe it could be a problem if it really is a little elephant in my belly. look how rufus treats his pet-elephant!!
▶ Hanna: It was -im feeling better to day. not good - but better
▶ §: Jubiii
▶ Maria: Yeah there is definitely ups and downs -suddenly you appreciate when you can eat what you want without feeling sick and the days where you can stay up past 19.
▶ Lisen: Both D and R have been good sports and joined me for some home-sick-time.
haha! but when the baby (elephant?) is born Rufus will be much older and wiser :-)
hihiihihihih! Oops! I just HAD to look! Does he like dog-toys that sound too? Stina LOVES them, and the only thing she wants is ti "kill" them so they dont sound no more.. (well, we too) ;)
hahahha! poor little elephant!
naaawh! ...and now parts of an elephant (or just an elephant eye?) in rufus´belly as well??
jeg kan virkelig godt lide det første billede - totalt godt lys og perfekt med "offeret" i forgrunden og rufus i baggrunden : ) stakkelse stakkels elefant...den ser lidt æselbedrøvet ud (peter plys) uden øje.
Awwwww! At least his elephant is still reasonably together. My dog is a vicious destroyer of stuffies... she literally loves them to death and it takes less than two minutes. If only they were cheaper because she really LOVES LOVES LOVES them.
haha rufus looks so proud when he's lying there in the back looking at the elephant!
Indeed, it looks to me like love!
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