D found the famous koala-cookies! we haven't opened yet, because im scared they will be awful! I have a new purple hat with sculls on it. Rufus has a giant elephant to play with. He has ripped out one of its eyes. When Ivan visited this week it was the first time he noticed Rufus. So funny. The past visits he has not been aware of him at all, but this time he petted him and could not stop laughing every time he saw him!! it was a joy! rufus would run back and forth and Ivan would burst out in a loud laugh every time he saw him! So amazing.
▶ Epe: Can you believe he is only 5 months old! so big!
▶ Lina: Hoooray for family!
så roligt att se en människa upptäcka världen! djuren!
those are the BEST cookies!!!!!!!
I don't know about the cookies, but I love the packaging... I'm mesmerized by Japanese product packaging... BB
Fantastiske billeder at slutte dagen på, efter at have siddet foran denne skærm siden fredag formiddag, har din blog været...ja, ord kan ikke dække hvor fantastisk:)
koala cookies are the best! I used to eat a lot of it when I was young but couldn't find it here in Finland yet. I'm sure you're gonna like it! :)
The Japanese label actually says "March of the Koalas" which sounds like a documentary but is in fact the inevitable march of tasty and adorable cookies into one's mouth. No more hesitating! Hope you like them :)
Koala's March cookies are delicious!
You should definately leave the biscuits in the box. So you can enjoy them forever!
Ivan and Rufus look so cute together. Ivan has the cutest smile on the last picture!
sista bilden är underbar! blir glad av den!
tack tack söta ni för fina ord, stina hälsar, hon ligger i mitt knä med hakan o sover nu, hon mår bättre av medecinen och tar det lugnt..förutom en katt hon jagade imorse hmm... man får försöka leva i "nuet" precis som hon gör. Take care, kiss Rufus!
it's good. i hope you'll like it. koala is a cute sounding word, by the way.
that is so sweet!! Ivan looks absolutely supercute when he's laughing :)
Look at this laugh! So true and frank. Babies don't care, just live. We should take a lesson from them about that.
those are so great - strawberry flavor is my favorite!
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