yesterday was earth hour, or as we call it in DK; sluk lyset, Danmark, where everybody wanting to mark their interest in the environment turned off the lights for an hour. These are some photos from the official danish campaign site of what copenhagen looked like. We turned out the lights and lit some candles. I went for a walk with rufus, but it was really discouraging, since nobody in our neighbourhood seemed to join in. Except the nice cafe i told you about -they turned of their lights and had their guests dine by candlelight. Did you turn off your lights??
▶ Anonymous mommy: and im sooo jealous!
▶ Gamze: I know -there are too many good things about it to name them all!
▶ Lisen: it was perfect there in the fall: not at all too hot but hot enough for it to feel like a summervacation! now your making me wanna try the chocolate too! i have been holding off for so long....
▶ Maike: Actually there was a giant resort by the little town and lots and lots and lots of germans :) and in the restaurants the waiters all spoke german! but this house was so unlike my every nightmare about a tourist trap -it has totally changed my view on the island.
▶ Lina: Very lucky indeed! lucky to have such sweet parents!
▶ BB: That is my favourite kind of vacation!!
▶ Epe: we cooked so much good food at the outside fireplace! amazing!
▶ Ai: I know -almost too good to be true!
▶ Sylvester and mama: all week i had to pinch myself to believe we were really there!
▶ Lottie: Im so sorry! i can't get vacation out of my mind either! i keep remembering all these wonderful details from the place. like the sofa right at a giant window overlooking the ocean!
▶ Katrine: Der nede snakkede vi flere gange om, at huset var sådan et man sejler forbi på en turistsejltur, inden man tager tilbage til sit hotel. det er ikke sådan et sted man faktisk bor! JA det er dansk ejet og man kan leje det. det her er hjemmesiden.
▶ Lea: Den terasse var det mest fantastisk. jeg elskede den måde huset var opbygget: Der var fire dobbeltværelser alle med dør ud til terassen som var halvt overdækket og med en mur omkring. fantastisk.
▶ B: JA det var ret så godt. jeg drømmer om mere sushi!! tak for besøget! Håber alt går godt i norge!
▶ Maria: Yes. My father worked with someone related to the owners, but its is for rent. This is the website.
▶ Anonymous: Yes. Of course! here it is. and this is a link to the article about the house. its in danish but there are some beautiful photos.
▶ Sopchan: it should happen more often!
hey nice!
and oh yes we did! and it was tooo cosy! we had a nice dinner during time, with lots of candles of course. then, we didn't turn the electric lights ON again, it was not neccessary and it felt strange with electricity again ONLY because "we were allowed". :)
my dad looked outside the window and discovered that the neighbours HAD NOT switched the lights off at 20.30 - ha ha, then he sent a SMS and told them to DO SO. :) "ok ok, we are a bit late!"
well...i knew about it all day yesterday & was going to do it. when it came time to, i completely forgot! BUT i realized this morning that i did it anyway! my family watched a movie together last night & we turned off all the lights when we did! soo..i did it, on accident!
oh no i completely forgot about it...we had guests from cambridge....shoot!
yes we did! actually we were outside right then to walk Stina, and to find our house in the dark we had to let the lamp outside be on. :) Inside we have the open fire too, lights up quite much..!
Yes, it was a lovely evening. In the end we kept our lights of for a few hours, a game of scrabble by candlelight turned into three games. xo lj
it so cool for the people who actually did it, so bad for the ones that forgot about it.
I kinda did it, there was a music festival on downtown, but before we turned all the lights out...
i hope next year more and more people would join us.
hello :)
Yes we did it! it was so cosy, we should do it more often.
I'm gonna check that website out NOW!
I was having dinner at a restaurant and they turned of all the lights and lit candles. It was really cozy.
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