◥for the first time i don't just feel not in a christmas mood -i feel in an anti-christmas mood!!◤ This is the extend of our christmas-decorations: I haven't even put the ribbons on the advent wreath.◣ I have allowed my self to wait until next week to put up more decorations -if i get in the mood.... can't wait to go home for christmas though! -i could just do without the rest of december.◢
▶ Mutti: Jeg kan heller ikke vente!
▶ Katrine ny: Han bliver 3 til februar! -eller 21 i hundeår :) og JA -det er min søster i min funky familie! sejt ik?
▶ Lisen: yes i love that he was almost chubby then! actually the get more of the whippet look after only 2 months or so! this picture was taken before we got him. But i remember his nose being short and sweet when we got him!
▶ Hanna: Aw, Rufus would love that! -thank you for drawing such nice dogs!
▶ Schanett: Yes a wall full of dogs would look so good -it could also make a good poster!
▶ Stride: Tak, han er ret fantastisk! Vi vidste at vores liv passer godt til hund, fordi vi er hjemme-mennesker, så rufus er ikke alt for meget alene. Selvfølgelig kan der være flere dage i ugen hvor vi begge er væk, men ofte er en af os hjemme. Jeg får mest dårlig samvittighed når vi ikke har leget nok med ham, men vi bruger meget af vores tid sammen med ham. Det er fantastisk at have hund!
▶ Caro: he is just full of love!
▶ David: :) Thank you so much! your photographs look really good!
▶ Maria: Dogs can always make your day!
▶ Sylvester and mama: exactly! rain calls for lots of puppy-love!
yes allow yourself to say no and
don't force the feelings. i think its so fine with just some candles and cosy lightning.
keep it simple, and no knick-knacks! :)
Festive mood or not, there's something super sweet about that first photo so beautifully framed. I've yet to decorate the house... seems December has snuck up on me, again.
hehe is that an 'i heart koala' drawing on your wall?! cute :)
yes, i know what you mean about decorations...I enjoy them more around town/elsewhere and I have nothing up at home yet it feels too early somehow
Julestemning eller ej - bagved adventskransen ser det totalt hyggeligt ud med Rufus i sofaen, garnnøgler etc. Hvis man nu lukkede december for arbejde for alle, så kunne man jo fint hygge/hulebygge hjemme med rare aktiviteter. Men det bliver let for meget, når der også skal være plads til eksamen etc.
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