
(young) blood is the new black

this work by Matt W Moore/MWM graphics is just perfect. i might steal the slogan..

> Kaela Noel + Carolina + mieke & willems: A traditional Danish birthday cake is one of the best things ever -this one was just my improvisation on it: my three favourite dessert things: Chocolate mousse + brownies + raspberries. The Chocolate mousse is whipped cream mixed with melted chocolate+pasteurised eg-yolks+a cup of strong coffee. The raspberry cream is made by blending raspberries + sugar - heating it up - mixing in chopped chocolate and butter as i cools. -I'll give you the brownies recipe another day!
> Joanne: Thank you! one day is hardly late for birthday wishes -especially in the blog-world! its so nice to stretch your birthday to Many days!
> Lisen: It is almost scary -all the chocolate! you can eat like one piece and then you are full!
> Maria: Thank you!! its so funny to find out how old people you know through your blog are! sometimes you get hints, but other times you can be really surprised! i think i had your age pretty right in my head :)


Anonymous said...

oh, fancy! this one really goes along with yer blog allrite! :)

Hanna Ã…berg said...

mm! my eyes need this

Anonymous said...

Hi Mette, happy happy birthday to you!!

Anonymous said...

Looks cool. :)

Also, this is late but happy happy birthday to you! The cake looked delicious and the food sounded so as well. I'm glad your day was a good one.

LYNN and HORST said...


melroska said...

total awesomeness.