
ice ice

it wasn't my ice cream, but i feel the pain


Anonymous said...

HAHA! I mean OH NO! YES: I can feel it to.
Ice ice baby.

AC said...

hahaha! me too :)

asphalt and air said...

i, too, feel the pain...
the only thing that saves it, is the nice photo that you took.
at least it turned out to be good use to someone.

Júlía Ara. said...

THE WORST. When this happens. The absolute worst!

infing said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... just woke up a memory from my childhood..I had an ice cream once, that ended up like that. I remember me and my sister got an ice cream each after grocery shopping with mom...and we ran to the car, happy happy...then: SPLASH! I wanted to cry and have a new one. And mom asked me if I wanted a new one...but I said "no". And I don't know why..?

Hope the ice cream owner throw that ice cream away cause he/she didnt ike it.

.girl ferment. said...

me too...

Fifikoussout said...

hahaha so funny :)