another gift that i really love! its from my sister and her man and you can use them as vases -allthough i really like them as they are too! i found a really good place for them too! the only problem is: i do not remember who made them! -does anyone of you know? -please tell me!
> Lynn & Horst: i love your comments! thank you!
> Lisen: He is trying to catch peanuts! is it not obvious? :) well skåne is really danish anyway... D just read somewhere that people have started calling Malmö Copenhagen M (like we call other parts of copenhagen, copenhagen n or v or ø :) i haven't heard my self yet, but i have heard that the city of cph wants to open kinder gardens in malmö.. we are slowly taking skåne back :)
> D F M: yeah is D not cute?
Hej søster søster. Jeg har en lille lap papir derhjemme hvor der står et navn på, det navn er på den dame som har lavet vaserne, det finder jeg lige og så sender jeg det lige til dig.
Oui...I know who makes them. Svanna comes to the rescue;o)Her name is Jane Holmberg Andersen. I love those branches. What a great gift! Here is some info on Jane:
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