
haruki murakami

so i finally tried Haruki Murakami and i like it! i actually like it! it surprises me some how. A good book and a lot a time to read it is the most summerly thing for me


Anonymous said...

Ohh murakami! I've collected every Murakami release that's been published in English (and some japanese too-which i can't read haha.) Definitely my favourite modern author..

Anonymous said...

i don't know why i have been avoiding him or something.. and i don't know why im reading him in english and not just danish. somehow its seems... right.

famapa said...

so glad you got him! isn't it weird and wonderful?!! I'm reading the same one right now! I just got another one yesterday on amazon (the wild sheep chase) to bring with me on holiday... it's such a pleasure and a headf**k to read his books. makes you look at the world differently...

Anonymous said...

so far it looks like he will be saving my summer :)

Anonymous said...

how fun to see, i bought it last week but haven't started to read it yet. have fun reading :)