here is another cool ride that i would like to own! i don't know about the rest of the world but in copenhagen these bikes are everywhere. they are mostly used by families to transport the kids around town -cheap and easy (if you don't count who heavy they are to ride). i would like one just for the prospect of all the cool things i could bike around with. the animal masks on the kids are too cool for school and really reminds me of miguel calderón . i think im adding this new feature: i reply = a new way of commenting back on your comments. we will see how it goes
> Niller: så fedt at det eneste der skulle til var en lille titel! glad for at du igen kan følge med
> Niels: argh, now im curious! i can't find the movie online. ..and to me -anything that isn't online, does not exist :)
> Lea: din blog er så fin. fedt at den virker og velkommen hjem
> Lisen: i forgot to look for it today! wonder if its still there..
hey tak for sidst og i lige måde mht. blog-ros : ), din blog er nu er jeg i hvertfald kommet i gang. ses snart til nabo-kaffe
ups der gik lige ged i min står for lea
yes, very fine with the feed!
the movie doesn't seem to exists online, but i can find a reference here - i saw it at cosmic zoom last year.
lisen: we saw it today (lea and i) and even found a piece more of it in the passageway to our building...
You are AWESOME! :)
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