Elinor is 4 weeks old today! it seems crazy to me that we have had her for a month now! a month?? all ready?? it seems more like a week -and then at the same time it feels like she has always been here! im looking forward to getting out more soon and maybe getting around to photographing other things than cute little babies so this won't turn in to a complete baby-blog and i'll end up driving all of you away! And replies! i will get back to replies soon too! D always wants his computer back right when im blogging :)
4 weeks
Elinor is 4 weeks old today! it seems crazy to me that we have had her for a month now! a month?? all ready?? it seems more like a week -and then at the same time it feels like she has always been here! im looking forward to getting out more soon and maybe getting around to photographing other things than cute little babies so this won't turn in to a complete baby-blog and i'll end up driving all of you away! And replies! i will get back to replies soon too! D always wants his computer back right when im blogging :)
Our little girl has grown real (panda)bear-feet! happy weekend everybody! One of Elinors grandmothers is visiting today and tomorrow two of her other grandparents will be here :)
dia de los muertos
My sweet friend Sigrid sent home some fantastic gifts from San Francisco. Among them was this amazing mexican flag-chain celebrating the day of the dead, dia de los muertos. I have for a long time been in love with mexican skeletons and some day i will get a tattoo inspired by them... -i just noticed how shaky the pictures look! annoying -sorry about that!
lucky lucky lucky
I feel so lucky! when you have a blog like this you "meet" so many sweet people and some of these sweet people are very very talented and very very thoughtful and send you totally cool things! how lucky is that? On top of the fantastic gift from Melissa i showed you the other day, these beautiful things have arrived in the past weeks: Sandra sent us her super cool counting poster which will teach Elinor to count to 10! Flora, who just had a beautiful beautiful little girl herself, sent us the cute little elves -or nisser as we would call them in danish. And finally a little greeting from Kurt & Kio and their family is up on the wall aswell!
▶ Nath: i can totally relate to why a sling is a cosy place to be :)
▶ Kim: Thank you!
▶ Ai: I love that word, kawaii :) Yes i made the sling!
▶ Elisabelle: Oh thank you so much! i hope you will visit again!
▶ Whateverscoolwithme: Thanks! yes i made it -i have made a whole bunch, cus somehow not all fit equally well. this is my favourite right now. I found a video-tutorial on youtube -i just searched for sling or pouch sling and how to.
▶ Steph: I really is only a matter of time! And yes, i do need to find som quality photo-time with rufus soon!
▶ Provins: Tak skal du have! ja, man må jo sy, hvis man vil have det på sin egen måde :)
▶ Lisen: shh... so do i....
▶ Katrine: babyhænder er noget af det bedste!
▶ Emma: You really do! favourite clothes / comfort clothes are the best!
▶ Schorlemädchen: She will have to learn to love coffee very early since D never drinks coffee and i miss having a coffee buddy!
▶ Coralene: I would definitely say that you have to get some practice before the sling works. I made some slings before she was born, but when she was finally here, i could see that i needed to choose a different fabric, make it smaller ect. And then we had to try a lot of different positions before she was comfortable.
slinging it
This is me and Elinor slinging it. She likes it more and more and its almost a sure way to get her to sleep if she is grumpy. This is also how she joins me when i make breakfast in the morning -i soon expect her to be able to make the coffee while i get the bread ready. (just realised it looks like she is always wearing the same clothes :) well she almost does i guess...)
A little window of internet - hope it lasts! Little E has gotten her first pair of shoes. They a from a newly opened second hand shop close by, a little too big and only cost 10 Dkk. Thats a bargin.
Not only did my laptop break, now our internetconnection is gone too making it rather hard to blog! Hope to be back soon and untill then Elinor will have to entertain me. See you around!
Elinor has allready taken to the bee, i made! Her name is Bibi -"bi" being the danish word for bee and Bibi being a danish nickname for women called Birgitte. It reminds me of the nineties and is sort of... tacky to me, which i like. Elinor and Bibi. We introduced the two at the hospital and i think Elinor likes having her on her stomach and sucking on her face, wings and tail :)
▶ Everyone: Thanks for all your comments about our little panda-girl! Just when she was born, i thought her hair was brown like mine, but then it dried and we saw that it has the most amazing red colour like D's when he was a child! All in all she looks ALOT like her father, but suspect she will get my brown eyes!
▶ Sofia: Tak for din kommentar! Uhh... hvad skal du lave i København.. lad mig tænke... Det er svært at sige noget bestemt -send mig en mail om hvor i København du skal bo, så kan jeg foreslå noget godt i området!
When we got home from the hospital a package from Malaysia was waiting! It was a gift from Melissa with lanterns, an envelope-purse, a fish and a cool calender thats up on The Wall. Im not sure what i did to deserve it, but it sure is cool! Hope you are all good out there! i don't have alot of time for commenting, but i still try to follow all of you.
red pandas
Ever since we met our little girl we have been trying to find out what kind of animal she is. Remember when i first got pregnant, we thought she might be a little elephant. But of course when we met her we saw that was not true. Then this week we realised what she is: A cute, little red panda! its perfect! She has the beautiful red hair and she love hanging on branches (our arms) on her stomach. i wonder what red pandas eat, cos i have only been feeding her milk...
On an utterly unrelated and boring (and sad and very very annoying) note, my laptop seems to be broken! I will try to blog from D's computer, but boy, it's annoying!!!!
▶ Máni: Ha ha, yes they both look sort of confused!
▶ BB: Thank you! D did most of the photographing at the hospital! I just forgot to give him credit.... ;)
▶ Emma: Så hyggeligt at høre fra dig! Ja, jeg vil virkelig prøve at fange og gemme en masse gode øjeblikke på "film" -og netop også huske at få nogle printet så de ikke kun findes i cyberspace :) Billeder fra min barndom betyder rigtig meget for mig
▶ Veja Cecilia: Thank you so much
▶ Infing: TACK!
▶ Hubbub: She is forever surrounded by patterns
▶ Julia: I do know what you mean. Its such a paradox to have to deal with my broken computer when this little wonder is right next to me!
▶ Steph: Oh i hope it is nothing serious with you! i have always liked it when celebrations and congratulations are spread out a bit!
▶ Kristina: Thank you!
▶ Sara: :)
▶ Claudia: hi hi -i like that! go make your own little wonder!
▶ Ai: Giving birth does really leave is mark on you and D has to do alot of the house work -so i try to enjoy that for as long as i can :)
Hospitals are strange places with strange things. This is two details from our room. We stayed for only two days and even though it was scary taking her home, it felt really good to bring her in to our world,
▶ Thank you for all the sweet words that keep pouring in! and so amazing to hear from so many new commentators! hope to hear from you again! -well it is equally amazing to hear from all of you "old" commentators! it means alot to us that you all send us so many thoughts and well-wishes! We have been home for a week now and it is (still) quiet and calm and feels just... right!
▶ Flora: no, she sleeps in her own bed, but we try to keep our bed a dog-free zone. Try is the word :)
▶ Ai: crazy that you get to stay for a week! i wouldn't want to stay a whole week, but maybe 3-4 days would be just right. It was a little scary to go home, when you are still recovering for the delivery.
rufus and elinor
She is one week old today. to think that one week ago we didn't know her. crazy. thank you, thank you again for all your amazing comments! you are the best and make my heart melt!
and for all of you wondering, rufus is doing great! amazing actually! he is so quiet around her and just sniffs her once in a while. When she cries he goes into his cave for some alone time and i think he might be a little overwhelmed, but thats understandable. He seems to know that she is sticking around -and of course rufus is not allowed in the bed after she has arrived, but even sweet whippets break the law (sorry for the bad phone-quality photo, but you gotta be quick to catch a moment like that)
l o v e
hey world, let me present: Elinor, as she lies beside me this very moment. Im overwhelmed with love. its cheesy but true. love for her and our little family - and the love from all of your amazing comments from all over the world! its mind blowing! what a way to be greeted by the world! she is 4 days old now and perfect is the only word to describe her.
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